Slade writes:
It's not the Torah that is cruel... it would be legalists like you who
demand a certain bar which cannot be moved for a demanding situation. You
are the reason the Pharisees created a series of "If... Then..."
that they tied to the Torah. This was their way of protecting the
from stringent, strick legalists.

jt: Arn't things a little turned around here Slade?  Are you making the
Pharisees the good guys now and rewriting history?  What about the
Palestinian Talmud, the Babylonian Talmud, and the Mishnah? I've read
that there are 6,000 minor laws written by the Rabbis to translate 
the Torah - nothing DavidM has written comes anywhere near that.

> I do not object to expounding upon how certain laws in Torah might
> supersede other laws and allow for burning a fire, but surely we ought
> to begin with agreement that Torah specifically says not to pick up
> sticks or burn a fire in our homes. Why is it so difficult to get
> agreement upon this teaching of Torah?

Because extenuating circumstances need to be accounted for. I still
the situation was regarding the "high hand." If the man did NOT have a
hand and he was concerned for his family's well being, [imo] he woulds
have died. After all, the priests "defile" the Shabbat every week..

jt:  Now or back then?..................

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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