Dean Moore
Fear God and keep His commandments/ trust Jesus

> Dean wrote:
> > Read the rest of the story-Balaam errors in the matter of pe-or 
> > and lead Israel to sin (Num. 23:28, Num.25:18) and many in Israel 
> > went to hell because of him-(2 peter 2:15) This is what I am 
> > warning about David! The fruit is good to eat saith Daveh and the 
> > devil.
> You still avoided my point.  Balaam WAS a false prophet.  Yes, he did
> lead Israel to sin, but was he completely unacquainted with the Holy
> Spirit?  

Dean writes:
No not at first because who Balaam blessed -was Blessed by God- and whom
Balaam cursed was cursed by God-but for Money Balaam threw his relationship
with God away and became a false prophet and look at 2 Peter 2:18 -For when
they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of
the flesh, though much wantonness, those that were clean escape from them
who live in error.
 These are words of the bible David and you have no right trying to
change/weaken these words. The warning are there- the guidance of what to
do with false prophets is given-not only do you ignore these words you try
and corrupt what God is instructing us to do-why do you do this? The
interesting part is that I believe you know I am correct in this matter.
> Dean wrote:
> > So you ignore the warning of false prophets and allow them 
> > access to the brethren because they is a chance they will 
> > be saved-That makes the devils job a lot easier. He must 
> > love this site!
> Why do you always turn every argument into an ad hominem attack?  It is
> almost impossible to discuss an issue with you without you turning it
> into personal attacks.  My position is that we should NOT ignore false
> prophets, so please stop misrepresenting my position.  My position is
> that we should beware of false teachers and correct falsehoods according
> to the light that we have.  

Dean writes:
Another Ad, Hom attack? Can I not say what I believe with out breaking some
of your rules?How did I attack you this time?As concerning being in the
presence of False teachers you are overlooking the power of the spirit
behind these false teachers-To be able to with stand the words of God for
this length of time indicates a strong hold. God doesn't just give warning
against those that corrupt His word to make it interesting reading-HIS
WORDS ARE FOR A PURPOSE-to help those who are wise enough to listen-those
that won't do so with refuse at their own perl.Aws you are doing-but you
are not alone here are you-other will also pay a price to your
> Dean wrote:
> > Over 4 years and Daveh still teaches the words of Satan-
> > and he is here to learn? And you allow this?
> In my opinion, DaveH has learned more on this site than you have.  But
> even if my perspective on this were proven to be false, I would still
> allow him here because he seems to understand that the purpose of this
> list is to discuss truth without regard to religious bigotry.  I wish
> you too would understand the value of this list with regards to study
> and learning.

Dean writes:
 The only thing I see different in his words-from the last time I was
here-is his enhanced ability to redefine the meaning of word to his
advantage as you also have gotten better at.But understand this-I Do Not
Expect You To Remove DaveH From This Site-He Has a Place here-Given by you
contrary to the word of God.
> Dean wrote:
> > They serve Satan what can they have that we need to hear?
> > Are you saying that God will send us word to grow from 
> > someone who believes we should eat the fruit and be a God?
> Yes, God can use anyone to speak, even a donkey.  Pride is that which
> tells us that we cannot learn anything from sinners.  The Pharisees fell
> into this elitist trap.  You are currently in that same trap, but your
> pride of salvation prevents you from seeing it.
> Dean wrote:
> > Then what -pray tell- does it mean to beware of wolves 
> > in sheep clothing? What is Jesus trying to tell us? 
> > What is a wolf? I would like you to answer this not 
> > delete it!
> Well, Mormons are not what I consider to be wolves in sheep's clothing.
> They are so far away from what most Christians consider to be that which
> have the words of life that they are considered to be wolves roaming
> outside the flock.  The wolves in sheep's clothing, in my opinion, are
> primarily those among us.  If you are a Baptist, it would be other
> Baptists who are not truly born again.  If you are a Wesleyan, it would
> be those Wesleyans who deceive the brethren.  

Dean writes;
To my understanding anyone who teaches against the words of God are false
prophet-Yes some that belong to God fall into traps laid by Satan as balaam
did-but prior to his fall he was a man of God but he also failed to head
the warning sent by God and fell into corrupting as you are doing now.
> Jesus warns us that we will have false teachers among us, and Jesus says
> to hear them and listen to them, only do not do as they do.  You even
> quoted John Wesley who affirmed this, that Jesus taught us to listen to
> false teachers.  Yet, for some reason, you continue to reject the
> teaching of Jesus Christ and of John Wesley in this regard. 

Dean writes:
 That is a hogwash-John Wesley said that he would rather one didn't hear
them at all but due to the fact That Jesus said "beware" how you hear
them-Wesley did not refuse people to hear them but went on to say that if
hear them too often there is no way to avoid their traps-and even this he
spent years struggling to even suggest one should hear them even once-this
by no means tells us to hear them daily. You make it sound like one should
go and find them to hear them out and keep going for more-In my opinion you
are doing an injustice to Jesus Christ and John Wesley by making these
statements.You words indicate you to speak as a foolish man!
> What Jesus wants us to do is discern between the wolves in sheep's
> clothing and those who truly follow Him.  Jesus wants us to walk in
> truth, even in the midst of wolves.  He wants us to be wise as serpents
> but harmless as doves, meaning that unlike wolves which divide some of
> the sheep from one another in order that they may devour them, he wants
> us to be wise about who the true sheep are but not excommunicate the
> wolves from the flock.  Sheep do not chase the wolves away.  They just
> recognize the wolves and keep their distance.  In like manner, this is
> how we should walk, wise but harmless to others.

Dean writes;
 That is correct-Sheep do not drive wolves away-The shepherd of the flock
is suppose to do this-the watchman is suppose to give the alarm-Only a wolf
can dwell among wolves and not be devoured.I fail to see where you keep any
distance. Why do you feel so comfortable among wolves David?
> Dean wrote:
> > And do you not think that Daveh is waiting in wait for me 
> > or Kevin to make a mistake?
> I think DaveH wishes you guys would stop making so many mistakes.  :-)

Dean writes:

I see who you are in agreement with-false teachers and not the brethren.
The word I speak are words from the bible and you call that a mistake?
> Dean wrote:
> > Do you not think that Jesus was used the pharisee and this
> > event as a teaching tool to show us what they are so we can 
> > avoid them? 
> No. He was showing us how to walk among the wolves and not be devoured
> by them.

 Dean writes: He clearly said to avoid them -not to walk among them as
wolves devour sheep! Which bible are you reading the Bof M? Go and find a
King James and you will know from which I am speaking.
> Dean wrote:
> > Did he not pronounce judgement upon them-and were they 
> > not warned to a deeper judgement? 
> Yes, and so ought we to warn false teachers among us.  We cannot do that
> on this list if we excommunicate all false teachers.

Dean writes:
If they continue on after the warning we are told by the bible to do just
that !
> Dean wrote:
> > Did he return the next night to dine with them? 
> > Lots of unanswered questions huh?
> No, I don't see many unanswered questions at all.  It all seems pretty
> clear to me.

Dean writes:
 Yes if we change "Grace" to not mean grace and change the word "Christian"
to not mean Christian-and change the words "avoid them" to co-exist with
them-Corrupt the words of Paul. Jesus and J. Wesley to a different
meaning-then and only then does it become clear to your teaching-the rest
of us dumb hicks will just have to go by the words of the bible and trust
> David Miller wrote:
> >> Judy and I have both addressed this with you many times, 
> >> but you seem unable to assimilate this information in 
> >> the same way that the Mormons cannot comprehend the 
> >> false teachings that we expose in their teachings.
> Dean wrote:
> > That can be shot both ways-Both the Mormons and TT fail 
> > to heed my warnings-can I not say the same?
> No.  I think I have heard everything you have said.  The difference is
> that I disagree with you and I attempt to share information with you
> that would put your objections into a different light.  For example, I
> have pointed out that you misinterpret the word "doctrine" in various
> passages, and you misinterpret what the word "avoid" means.  I have
> pointed out how Wesley had the same weakness as you regarding the
> teaching of Christ that we should listen to false teachers like the
> Pharisees, yet he had to acknowledge it as true.  Yet, you prefer to
> magnify the weakness of Wesley over the true teaching of Jesus Christ,
> and so you walk in that weakness rather than repenting at the words of
> Jesus Christ (which is what John Wesley did).

Dean writes:
 What some call weakness other call strenth-As words have meaning "my
weakness" is trusting the words of the bible-the worldly will always call
us Christians who live by the bible weak-but just because worldly people-
as yourself -call us that doesn't make it so !
> David Miller wrote:
> >> Jesus spoke to the woman at the well and brought her words of
> >> life.  He did not say in his heart, "she is a Samaritan, so 
> >> I will have nothing to do with her."
> Dean wrote:
> > Yes he warned her and she listened -Does Daveh listen? 
> > I have been to the well with him-has he gone and told 
> > his brethren to come and listen to us as the women did?
> The woman never converted in the sense that she claimed that Jerusalem
> was the place where one should worship God.  She did not forsake all her
> Samaritan ways at this single event with Jesus.  Rather, she simply saw
> that this man was a prophet and might possibly be the Christ.  
> The point is that Jesus met her where she was at.  He did not demand
> that she forsake her Samaritan ways before he would talk truth with her.
> At the same time, he did not agree with her erroneous ways.  Rather,
> concerning where men ought to worship and who they worship, Jesus
> repudiated her without rejecting her outright as a person.

Dean writes:
  Where was she defined as a false prophet-You do not seem to differentiate
between the common sinner and a false teacher/prophet. You also well know I
am not suggesting one shouldn't speak to sinners but want to confuse the
issue to weaken Gods words.
> David Miller wrote:
> >> It seems to me that you think it is ok for Baptists 
> >> to be on this list but not Mormons.  Am I wrong in 
> >> this perspective?

Dean writes:
 No I think the Mormon have a place on your list-but I find no place for a
believer-Baptist or otherwise. I think you belong with them and not the
> Dean wrote:
> > Mormons and baptist are not on the same list with God-
> > The baptist teach not to eat the fruit of sin-the 
> > Mormons teach to eat this fruit- Big difference huh?
> And if we pick some other doctrine, the big differences would be just as
> glaring, but it would be the Baptists who have the bigger problem.  Your
> answer shows that you think God has a list which favors Baptists and
> disfavors Mormons.  I disagree.  I don't think God favors one religion
> over another.  There is no respect of persons with God.

Dean writes:
 It amazes me that can put the Mormons and the baptist on the same level-I
believe you have a bias against the baptist yet you have recommended books
to me that were written by baptist? Tell my why do you hate baptist as your
words indicate you do? Do one tell you to eat the fruit-it is good to do so?
> Dean wrote:
> > I agree with an open forum but to allow a false prophet 
> > in the mist of the brethern-I don't agree. 
> You just contradicted yourself.  If you do not agree to allow false
> prophets here, then you do not agree with an open forum.  An open forum,
> by definition, means allowing everyone.  You should say that you
> disagree with the idea that we should have any kind of open forum.  You
> believe that the forum should be closed and only allow Christians.  
dean writes:

Dean writes:
 Quite being ridiculous David-I did not contradict nothing.Have an open
site and invite all but once they prove to be a false prophet the bible
teaches to remove ourselves from them- But I doubt if it was speaking to
you-so enjoy your self.
> Dean wrote:
> > But I don't at this point think you will hear me.
> > How can a Christian fulfill the great commission 
> > if they must set their Christianity aside for this 
> > site?
> The Great Commission is about causing men to become disciples of Jesus
> Christ, not about furthering some Christian sect.  Unless you can set
> aside your religiousness, you cannot fulfill the Great Commission
> because causing men to become disciples of Christ and causing men to
> become Christians often are at odds with one another.

Dean writes:
 Well I could set the false teaching aside first-then later the trinity-and
later the sinlessness of Christ-and hey! What about this issue of God being
eternal? How can that be?Everybody had to have a stating point-or should I
put all these thing I can't entirely understand  and walk by faith? Yeah-I
believe I will do that instead of listen to you and set some of God's words
aside :-)

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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