----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 10:18 PM
Subject: Fw: Re: [TruthTalk] The passion of Christ

It's not a guess Blaine - it actually comes from the horses' mouth as it
was the RCC who fixed these dates. The RCC were also in control when both
Gregorian and Julian calenders were accepted.  I must have missed your
"full moon" message.  Upon what do you base your belief?
Blaine:  Full Moon?  Hey you guys, there is ALWAYS a full moon on the night of the Passover!!!  LOL  You guys need to bone up on your calendar lore--the Jewish calendar is what is known as a solar-lunar calendar--Lunar, because each Jewish month begins with a new moon.  Solar, because it is kept in sync with the Vernal (Spring) Equinox by adding a lunar month every six years.  The first month of the calendar, called Nisan, begins with the new moon closest to the Vernal Equinox, and then the Passover is always held on 15 Nisan.  Since a lunar month averages 30 days, this places the Passover smack dab in the middle of the month--when the moon is at full phase!!   Always.   Take my word for it, as an old  Mormon boy who holds a temple recommend!  LOL 
From: "Blaine Borrowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Good guess, Judy, but as I have shown in a recent post, the moon is always full on Passover. 
From: "Terry Clifton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  > > making me wonder how the full moon figured in the story.

  > It is historically accurate that there was a full moon on that night.
It has nothing to do with history; this comes from astronomy and RC
Liturgy. There are two different calenders and some disagreement so
apparently they use astronomy/astrology to determine what day to
celebrate Pascha (see below quote from a French RC theologian)
"The Christian Church, apparently from Apostolic times, began to fix the
date of Pascha (Sunday) precisely in relation to light. For example, the
feast of the Nativity of Christ (IV c.) was fixed as December 25, the day
of the Winter solstice when sunlight begins to increase. (It was also a
pagan feast for the same reason.) As for the sacred day of Pascha, here
the moon also plays a part.  The Sunday of the year that falls immediately
after a full moon when it occurs not earlier than the vernal equinox is set
aside as the feast of Pascha.

  > Terry wrote:
  > > As He finishes praying, a large snake crawls up
  > > to him and He stomps on it's head.  At that point,
  > > I was ready to walk out, but I am glad I stayed.
The more I research the less I see a connection between this film and
reality no matter what the masses say.
Yesterday I thumbed through a photo/book of the film at Walmart; 
At Gethsemane scripture says "he fell on his face" so I would never
picture him looking as though he were baying at a full moon. Also his
stepping on a snake sounds 'hokey' to me. The concept is a spiritual
one that this is inadequate to communicate.
I was also surprised to see Jesus and his apostles sitting on chairs
around a table like we use at what is supposed to be the Last Supper - 
even I know (without research) that they used to eat in a reclining
position on pillows. 
The clothing is also disturbing because women back then used to
adorn themselves by wearing ornaments on their clothing and their
garments were varied in color (remember Lydia in the book of Acts?).
In the Gibson movie the women are all in black chador like robes 
looking like a bunch of nuns and they have Jesus wearing this brown
raggedy thing on his way to Golgotha. Where is the one piece tunic
under the outer garment that he wore or even the purple robe they
put on him with the crown of thorns at the Courthouse? 
Kevin thank you for your input - IMO there is a whole lot going on here
that we are ignorant of because we have no frame of reference and we
need to be Berean or we will wind up like Israel not knowing our right
hand from the left and perishing for lack of knowledge. It's our God
given responsiblity to check these things by the Word of God.
Grace and Peace,


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