Terry Clifton wrote:

DAVEH:  Your comment interests me, Terry.  Where does it say that?

Second Thessalonians, 2:3  New KJV
DAVEH:  Thanx Terry.....Let me quote it.......

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.

.........Now let me quote your comment, Terry......

We are told that in the last days, there will be a great falling away.

.........My question is to find out why you believe that falling away will happen in the last days? 
 Got a couple of reasons Dave.  First, the book of Hebrews explains that we have been in the last days for almost two thousand years, Heb 1:1-2.  If we were in the last days then,
DAVEH:  Then it would be reasonable to consider the apostasy could have begun 2 millennia ago?  If so, then could that not be reflected in the persecution of the Primitive Saints and the rise of the RCC?  Would it not also explain the Dark Ages?  That would then open the door to the Reformers claiming they were the answer to Biblical prophecy.  Yet I don't recall any Protestants making such a claim.  I'm curious as to why they don't adopt this scenario.  By not seeing it from this perspective, it seems to me they leave the field exclusively open to folks (like the LDS) who do claim to fulfill Biblical prophecy.  Do you understand what I'm saying, Terry?
we are certainly in the last days now.  There have been a few events since then, as you mentioned, where men have shamed the name of Christ until you marvel that the Lord did not return at that point and wipe out evil forever.  He has not done that, however, so we are still in the last days, and men are more evil than ever.  Homosexuality has been an abomination since Sodom was wiped out, but no more.  In these last days, it is an approved lifestyle.  It is no longer filty and disgusting.  What is disgusting now are intolerant Christians.  At one time, children were a blessing from the Lord.  Now they are a blessing to those running abortion clinics. There is good money in killing babies.  At one time, people held God's word in reverence.  If Jesus said there would be no marriage in Heaven, that's the way it was.  Now you have the book of Mormon, and you call Jesus a liar when you say you believe it.
DAVEH:  I respectfully disagree, Terry.  I will explain it to you if you wish, but it is a tangential path away from the nature of my questions to you about the falling away and why Protestants don't claim to be the resultant restoration of all things.
There is probably much more information on this subject that David or Bill or Kevin or Judy could provide.  I haven't studied on it much because it is all pre programmed by a higher authority and there is nothing I can do to change any portion of it.
DAVEH:  Are you referring to Protestant dogma and tradition have charted the course of your beliefs, Terry?
I do not know when He is coming again.  No one does, but we are two thousand years closer to the end than we were.
Don't be surprised if He comes today.

Dave Hansen
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