Terry Clifton wrote:

DAVEH:  I respectfully disagree, Terry.  I will explain it to you if you wish, but it is a tangential path away from the nature of my questions to you about the falling away and why Protestants don't claim to be the resultant restoration of all things.
There is probably much more information on this subject that David or Bill or Kevin or Judy could provide.  I haven't studied on it much because it is all pre programmed by a higher authority and there is nothing I can do to change any portion of it.
DAVEH:  Are you referring to Protestant dogma and tradition have charted the course of your beliefs, Terry?
I do not know when He is coming again.  No one does, but we are two thousand years closer to the end than we were.
Don't be surprised if He comes today.
I thought that I explained this before, but here it is again in case you forgot.  I am not a protestant.
DAVEH:  I think you mentioned that before, Terry.  My primary interest is in finding out Protestant theology.  Though you may not consider yourself to be Protestant, I suspect much of what you believe is biased by the work of the Reformers.  If not, you may always point out how your believe differs from Protestant dogma.....that would be helpful to me too.
  I am not protesting anything and am not part of a protestant organization.  I do not have a denomination or recognize any spiritual authority over me except my high priest, Jesus, the Christ.  My only guide is the Holy Bible and we come together as a church in one anothers homes.  You have confused me with an institutional Christian.  Though I regard some of them highly, I am not one of them.
DAVEH:  Do you recognize/accept the Trinity Doctrine? 
I do not know when the apostasy began.  I do not know any reformers. I don't even know what a tangential path looks like or where it leads.  I am fairly ignorant of these things you find important.  I am not even certain what it is you offered to explain.
Do you not believe that we are in the last days?
DAVEH:  Yes I do.  But as you mentioned previously, you believe the last days started 2 millennia ago......

First, the book of Hebrews explains that we have been in the last days for almost two thousand years, Heb 1:1-2.

........So, my point was that the falling away could have taken place shortly after Jesus' death and still be considered in the last days as opposed to thinking the falling away has not yet happened.
   Have you looked at Paul's comments to Timothy in 2nd. Tim.3:1-5? Have you seen these things come about in your life time? I have.
DAVEH:  But....I assume you do not think the falling away (apostasy) has exclusively happened in these latter-days?

Dave Hansen
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