Blaine:  If you don't want to believe something, you can always find some
reasons to justify yourself.  I do not swallow astrolgy whole, but it does
seem to have some truths, at least as far as explaining personality traits.
According to one source, there are 12 to the 27th power possible personality
types using astrolgy.  No other personality theory can account for so much
human variability.
----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] POLYANYI

>      Watching the stars helps us determine time, the seasons, etc.
>      Astrology does not have theories about the universe. A theory is
> testable and the results of those tests are reproducable by other trained
> scientists. Astrological myths are not the same as a theory.
>      I don't believe that astrology foretold Jesus' birth. The "star" did
> not act like a star. It acted more like a spirit manifested as a star;
> the bible does equate the word star with angel in some instances, so I
> suspect that this was one of those instances.
>      I ask again, where are we going with all of this?
> vincent j. fulton
> On Wed, 24 Mar 2004 23:11:00 -0500 "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> writes:
> > When the Bible teaches us that the stars and planets are for signs,
> > what
> > do you think that means?  Is there any possibility that this
> > includes
> > astrology?
> ----------
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