\o/ !HALALU Yah! \o/ 
Greetings in the Matchless Name of YahShua !!
Hmmm ...
  George Bush reportedly mocked her request before denying it.
jt: Reported by who?  The above is serious heresy and character assassination.
jt: Henry Lee Lucas was not a child molester, nor was he a Satanist.  He confessed to more than 600 murders most of which were lies and said he was enlisted by a group called The Hand of Death.  He spent 10 years in prison for the murder of his mother and was tried for two other murders in Texas receiving a sentence of life in prison for each of these.
Ok, let's see now ...
tried for two other murders in Texas receiving a sentence of life in prison for each of these.
Yet she then cites ...
 As Henry said to me, ‘They treated me like a king. Why would I want to change things?’ The instant you stop confessing — you’re going to death row."
... and ...
Lucas is the only death row inmate to ever receive clemency from Governor Bush.
Hmmm ...
Protecting one of your own?
jt: It's another spirit Chris and I would not continue listening to it .... because it lies.
Nice muddying of the waters, there, jt.  Thanks, but no thanks as they say.  I'll just consider the source on your advice and stick with The Source of all knowledge -- The Spirit of Truth.
Ahava b' YahShua
(Love in The SAVIOUR)
Baruch YHVH,
(Bless The LORD)
Bro. Chris
a servant of YHVH

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