Just trying to be brief! And I don't want DaveH to stop sending his
cuties--do you want that? Izzy

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles Perry Locke
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 10:55 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Reminder from the Moderator

No problem, Izzy, but at least a little introducory note and perhaps your 
comments on the article, or your impression of why the article applies to 
the topic would be helpful rather than just a raw link by itself.

Perry the Moderator

>From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Reminder from the Moderator
>Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 16:03:38 -0500
>Perry, I realize I sent 3 website articles, but I think each one is very
>pertinent to our discussions of the past couple of days. Thanks. Izzy
>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles Perry Locke
>Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 10:13 AM
>Subject: [TruthTalk] Reminder from the Moderator
>This is just a reminder that TT is a discussion group. It's purpose is to
>facillitate the discussion of truth (whatever that is). With this in mind,
>please limit yourself to posts that discuss the topics presented by 
>Yesterday one poster had 24 posts, another just under 20, most of which 
>one liners with little or no discussion content. Here are some types of
>posts that come across the TT forum that do not pertain to discussions, and
>that needlessly increase the traffic that one must wade through to find the
>discussion material:
>1. Posts containing a link to an interesting web page you found. If a link
>helps to progress an argument, make a point, or directly relates to a topic
>of discussion, then use it. But, please avoid just sending a link that
>pertains to something you think is interesting.
>2. A one-liner that does not further a discussion, or multiple one-liners
>that each address only one point of a larger discussion. Try to respond to
>an entire post with a single response of your own. Occasionally, if you
>leave out an important point you intended to make, or want to change or
>correct a previous post, then a second post is warranted.
>3. One-line responses back and forth between two posters for an extended
>period. This is a discussion group, not an immediate message board. If you
>go one to two quick one-liner posts with another member, why not take it to
>an IM board, chat room, or to private email.
>4. A cute joke or anecdote that you found on the internet, or that a friend
>or relative sent you. I am sure we each get enough "FW:" email every day
>that we do not need to wade through it on TT.
>5. ANYTHING that ends with "Send this to xxx friends", or "If you love 
>you will forward this to...". I would guess that Jesus could care less 
>your email, and doubt that not forwarding such will affect your state of
>6. Personal discussions between two members. Most probably don't care that
>Bobby is in graduate school at the same place the other member's brother's
>son went. If it becomes personal please use private email.
>Perry the Moderator
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