DAVEH:  Thank you for the clarification, Perry.  Unless anybody objects, I will resume posting things I feel other TTers may find interesting as I have in the past.   If you (or any other TTers) ever feel I cross the line of  becoming boorish.....let me know.

    BTW.......I did realize your intentions.  Restricting my non discussion-related posts would have helped reach your goal.....which is why I thought your original post may have been aimed at me as well as others.

    Also......I do not want you to think I am avoiding our quick/dead discussion.  I have been a bit busy, and out of town over the weekend.  I have been doing a little study (the sources I've reviewed so far agree with you on the definition of quick = alive) and will hopefully do more in the next week.  (I'm shipping my family off tomorrow for a week's vacation.)  So Perry......please don't get impatient.....I haven't forgotten you on this.

Charles Perry Locke wrote:

  Perhaps I went overboard on my description of your email. I thought your response was a tongue-in-cheek response. If that is not the case I apologize for assuming it was. I am not trying to set new rules, just cut down on posts by eliminating non discussion-related posts. An occasional bit of levity or insight is not unreasonable. Let common sense be your guide.
Perry the Moderator

Charles Perry Locke wrote:


  David's funnies are not often enough to be considered a problem, and he is careful to remove the "FW" from the header and give some attribution, like "From my cousin Buford in Idaho..." or some such. It was not those that I was shootiing for. He is playing with me by feigning martyrdom by posting a cute little quip by our favorite George Burns, then making me out to be out to be an ogre, and himself a compliant victim...sort of like holding a kitten up in front of the group and saying, "Perry, if you want to kill this cute little kitten, go ahead." I didn't respond to him because if he wants to play the martyr game it's fine with me.

DAVEH:   Give me a break, Perry.  How am I to know who/what you are /shooting for/?  If anybody is playing games, it seems to be you.  I responded to your posted rules with a couple examples that I thought you may not have considered.   But in case you had been thinking of such things I had posted in the past......I did not want to continue posting them in the future in order to comply with your desire to reduce the clutter.  I have previously (by your standards) been an offender of posting such non thread related posts, and did not intend to ridicule your suggestions.  You have been critical of my postings in the past, and I'm simply trying to avoid causing you more grief by posting trivial stuff that might annoy you.
Dave Hansen
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