No it doesn't work for the JW's - they are a cult, so nothing that matters is working for them.  Also shunning is no more  God's way than stealing another woman's husband because it breaks the 'royal law'  If I had occasion to meet Amy Grant in a social situation by His grace I would be able to walk in love toward her.  However, like John, I don't choose to spend money buying her CD's nor do I choose to sit under her ministry or be entertained by her.
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Judyt:I'd say let's 'shun 'em'. It works for the JW's. I believe that all reconciliation should only be partial.
Thanks for sharing your perception/experience John.  I've seen too much of this in christian circles and you don't
very often hear from the one who was hurt.  I used to like Amy Grant's music but have no heart for it anymore.
She may be forgiven and restored in her relationship with God but I wonder if it would  be better for the body of
Christ and unbelievers who may be influenced also if prominent people who have been involved in this kind of
thing just quietly disappeared, retired, or whatever.  judyt 
In a message dated 6/15/2004 7:02:10 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
John:Disagree vehemently! God didn't stop listening to them and, neither have I.

Vehemently?!  Wow.  It is not a salvation issue with me.   But it is a leadership issue.   Leaders in the church are to be above the fray.   And I know that gospel singer is not a leader in the same sense as a prophet, teacher, preacher or elder.   But with Amy, I just can't buy her albums.   I know something about the situation between her and Pretty Boy.  I saw the hurt in Chapman's  face (Gary Chapman is or was her husband, right?).  I have been through that same kind of disception and have no heart for those who pretend to be what they are not.   I also do not watch movies about divorce, comedy or otherwise.  Personal preference.  God has not stopped listen to Amy  but I have. 

I had just bought an album by Pretty Boy, too.  It has never been opened. 


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