\o/ !HALALU YAH! \o/
Greetings in the Matchless Name of YahShua!



Well, Jonathan, you noted that 'none of the ‘fundamentalists’ on this forum replied, not one of them' yet then note Terry as one of those fundamentalists.  Terry was one who replied.  You missed that as sure as Izzy missed you giving examples that she then asked you to give.  Even Izzy replied -- even though it was indirect and evasive.  Funny, too, that Terry just chided you today about getting after him for not replying when he was one who did in fact reply.  Folks on either side of the aisle can't see the forest for the trees ... or is that the trees for the forest?  It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.  Such a mixed up lot ...


Ahava b' YahShua

(Love in The SAVIOUR)

Baruch YHVH,

(Bless The LORD)


Bro. Chris

a servant of YHVH

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 06/18/2004 11:53 AM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] My Sister and Peaches

Chris:  Correct you are Chris.  I was speaking of fundamentalism within a broad group called evangelicalism.  I place you outside this group.  The fundamentalists I was referring to are DavidM, Izzy, Judy and Terry.

Izzy:  I made my main point against fundamentalism in my post: the hardness, rigidity of their beliefs that is usually connected to anger and fear.  Grace seems to be absent except as a catch-word.  Fundamentalism is appealing due to its stranglehold on certainty.  It allows sincere people to say that they are right, to damn others that are not in this right, and even to use force if necessary to do this.


Anyways, I am off for the weekend.  Be safe everyone.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris Barr
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 11:08 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] My Sister and Peaches


\o/ !HALALU YAH! \o/
Joyous New Moon Greetings again in the Matchless Name of YahShua!


Jonathan made his first post here 3/29/04.  His challenge was responded to by:





 ... and ... DRUMROLL PLEASE ...


Izzy -- though her response was indirect and evasive.  Also, she wrote:


Can you give us some examples of your own changes?


Jonathan did so right within the original post ... went right by Izzy.


SO ... in accordance with Jonathan's post this morning, I guess that the above are not what he considers "fundamentalists".  I was raised up in that camp for decades but have been delivered!  \o/ !HALALU YAH! \o/


Ahava b' YahShua

(Love in The SAVIOUR)

Baruch YHVH,

(Bless The LORD)


Bro. Chris Barr

a servant of YHVH


----- Original Message -----

Sent: 06/18/2004 9:47 AM

Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] My Sister and Peaches


Hi Jonathan,  No time for me to linger here (however tempting it is to makes jokes about us not being fruits!).  Just wondering when you posted your question that no one answered? Because I remember David M posting that question several months ago and getting several thoughtful replies; one from myself.


Would you kindly tell me what you mean by “fundamentalist”?  And what don’t you like about them/their beliefs specifically? (Other than their patriotism?) Thanks, Izzy


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jonathan Hughes
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 8:24 AM
Subject: [TruthTalk] My Sister and Peaches


Morning all,


I picked my sister up from the airport last night.  She lives in the United States and works there as a children’s pastor.  I mentioned the discussions we have been having here regarding Bush’s policies, America’s responsibility, repentance, and the reflective approach to 9/11 that Lance and I prescribe.  She immediately told me of how much of America is doing just that, engaging the event with thoughtful and prayerful speech.  She mentioned that talk radio has been constructively discussing why the rest hates the west for over a year now.  I said to her, well that certainly is not like the forum that I am attempting to engage.  She looked up from her dinner and said, “Oh, you must be speaking with fundamentalists.”  I smiled.


There is nothing like a nice, ripe peach.  So soft, juicy, delicious, sweet, everything a peach should be.  But not all peaches are like the perfect peach.  Many peaches are hard, unforgiving to the touch, un-impressionable.  They look great from the outside, the fuzz in the right places, the colour just right.  But when you pick one up it is hard.  Your thumb leaves no imprint.  You put the peach down and search for one that is impressionable, one that will be sweet to the mouth.  Of course you keep an eye on the first peach; you hold it again tomorrow but it is still hard.  Each day you lightly touch it hoping for that softness, hoping against odds that the peach will become all that it is meant to become: the perfect peach.  Although it still looks beautiful on the outside it begins to rot on the inside.  Within a few days, this peach that had so much potential is now rotten, beginning to smell.


I would like the TT forum to become more like the soft peaches: impressionable, teachable, and pliable.  This is my main problem with fundamentalists; they have lost the ability to be molded, to become soft, teachable.  Rather, they look great from the outside, perhaps looking like the model Christians.  They do most things right; they look like good peaches.  But when you pick one up, attempt to become more intimate with that peach you notice that it is hard on the inside.  A nice looking peach, but little visible fruitness.  These peaches tend to be rather angry, responding out of their hardness, their rigidity.  Softness is considered too feminine, too liberal.  Meanwhile, they slowly rot inside, their juice drying up.


My very first post on Truthtalk was about epistemological humility; the changes that occur in our doctrines as we become closer to God.  I asked for examples from people (after providing a few of my own) on where God had changed them, molded them differently from what they first believed.  I found it astounding when none of the ‘fundamentalists’ on this forum replied, not one of them.  It appears that fundamentalists grow in the faith, just never change in it.  What an eye-opener for me.  I beg of you, plead with you, allow the Spirit to keep you humble, to be impressionable, to listen and hear the Spirit’s voice in whatever guise it may come to you.  Allow yourself to be healthy peaches, full of juice and a delicate sweetness.



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