I know nothing of the Restoration Movement -or- the Stone-Campbell Movement. Calling things by their Biblical Names is what most people attempt to do most of the time, I think. However, you've always got the people who say you can't use this or that word because it either doesn't fit their theology or they're after some control. For instance, the KJV says "Lord" all over the place, but I know a HUGE number of people who say you can't say "Lord" because people have called false gods "Lord" and you are involving false gods instead of YHVH when you say "Lord." There is a very real attempt to control and manipulate and it isn't fair. God is not so stupid that He doesn't understand the heart behind a word.
If we are to call Biblical things Biblical names, are we able to use, then, English translations or are we forced to use transliterations only? i.e., the word GODHEAD? The word, if separated into its two root words is a meaningless term, but together help to define the undefinable. It's unfair to take idioms at face value. The meaning is deeper than that (i.e., beating around the bush).
- slade
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, 25 July, 2004 04:16
Subject: Re: JUDY -- Re: [TruthTalk] Dylan wrecked by reckless Christianity

In a message dated 7/24/2004 4:49:53 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

If we were to "level the playing field" and agree to discuss this subject from Scripture only, using only Scriptural words, this discussion would be much easier. Is that such an unreasonable request to insist on only that which is found in Scripture to determine the Truth of Scripture?

Bill and I both came from a fellowship (the Restoration Movemen aka Stone-Campbell Movement) that embraced that very principle.  The Resotration motto was "speak where the Bible speaks, be silent where it is silent; call Bible things by Bible names." 

Since the early 1800's that has been the admonition.  It does not work..Unity is only possible in a loving acceptance of those who follow Christ and claim Him as their God.
The appraoch assumes, in the face of disagreement, that at least one brother is dishonest.  

You are oneness.  I am not.  But I do not doubt that you are honest in your disagreement, as I am.  Perhaps I disagree because my IQ is somewhere around 85 or so.  Whatever the reason, dishonesty is not a part our inability to solve the problem. 


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