Title: Michael D: Thanks for the info, Slade
Michael D: Thanks for the info, Slade.
I would count it that God answered the prayers of those who took up the challenge to fight Earl off. The fact that it didn't get to do the damage speaks volumes to me. I see the fate of Danielle as significant also.
Actually, I did a Yahoo search for myself and browsed a couple of sites where they gave some details about Earl. There was one Florida site which stated that they were expecting Earl to hit them again. I was thinking of quoting/pasting it, but decided not to.
Maybe I can use some Bible to show the significance I see in these things. Think on this folks and see how this strikes you.
In Acts, Herod took James and killed him. God, himself, allowed it.  Strange thing, though, when Herod took Peter and tried to do the same thing, God did not allow it. Isn't that amazing.
Anyone care to mention the material difference  between the two attempts by  Herod??? I see the answer here as critical and supremely instructive.
Next, compare the life of h'cane Charley with Earl's and Daniel's. Does anyone agree that we parallel cases, though different courtrooms here, with similar results???
Believe me, I see no happenstance in the outcomes of these events.
By the way Slade, I remember your response to my suggestion to pray. You stated that evacuation orders were already given. I suggested that prayer be said to spare damage in those areas. Would you say that the Lord answered those prayers, or that it was just nature's freakiness in evidence. I have already stated that I saw it as God confirming his word to us about the need to go on the attack and give Him something to work with. 
Your perspective as asomeone who was in the realtime scenario would be of interest to me. Thanx in advance. 
Slade Henson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

As of 16 Aug 2004 09:00, It was 320 nautical miles south-southwest of San Juan, 510 nautical miles west of Barbados, and 945 nautical miles east of Puerto Cabezas. (Coordinates: -67.2 Long, 13.2 Lat.)

Mikha’el stated: By the way Slade, I remember your response to my suggestion to pray. You stated that evacuation orders were already given. I suggested that prayer be said to spare damage in those areas. Would you say that the Lord answered those prayers, or that it was just nature's freakiness in evidence? I have already stated that I saw it as God confirming his word to us about the need to go on the attack and give Him something to work with. 

Your perspective as someone who was in the real-time scenario would be of interest to me. Thanks in advance.


I prayed that hurricane Charley would dissipate as it ran along the front that was coming down… much in the same way that it annihilated Bonnie. That did not occur and it saddened me because I did not want to incur damage and I didn’t want anyone else to suffer harm or damage.


God’s hand was in the storm and His hand protected those whom He wanted to grant salvation. He also protected what little is in this house (the most valuable “stuff” being the books I use for Bible/Torah study). However, in the grand scope of all that belongs to our God, these “valuable” books are worthless. Its only “value” is that it allows me to gain greater Kavanah with God.


-- slade

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