Laugh out loud!




I also do not think Kerry will make a good president.  I don’t mind his running mate John Edwards though.  Kerry’s platform is remarkably similar to Bush’s.  On many of the points Terry made Bush is equally as guilty (Bush is not for firearms, Bush was a far worse Senator than Kerry [unless you were rich], Bush supports ‘civil unions’ between homosexuals just as Kerry does, neither will do a thing about abortion etc.  And the thing about Kerry’s men disliking him is just a plain lie.  The people that served under Kerry on his boat all support him – except for one since he is dead.  I owe this point to Bill O’Reilly.  The reason the other men do not like Kerry is that he was very anti-war and came back telling of its atrocities.  This did not go over well with the men who fought alongside him and fought valiantly.  Kerry screwed up there.)  It would come as no surprise to anyone on this forum that I believe Bush is a war criminal.  To remove him from office should the first concern of any Christian.  Tell a Muslim that George Bush is a Christian and then ask him to convert to Christ.  Would I take Kerry over Bush?  Yes, hands down.  Do I think Kerry will do well?  I doubt it.  Both men will take America over the cliff, one a lot sooner than the other.






Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Who to Vote for, and WHY?


In a message dated 9/22/2004 5:50:32 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

It would take either a blithering idiot or the world's most gullible person to believe that this man could be a good senator, let alone a good president.  Al Sharpton looks good compared to Kerry.


On man !  Listen to me, Jonathan  --  "breathe in  ---  breathe out   --- breathe in   ---  breathe out   .................................................................."


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