As near as I can tell, a copy of this book is around $100 right now! I wish mine would hurry up and get here! On a serious note Slade, you just confirmed a musing of mine from a couple of years ago. Now I know I'll enjoy this book!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 16:02
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

I think Jesus was a liberal... but He was a religious liberal. He was not a political liberal. After all, He seemed to suggest a more passive stance against Rome than the Zealots.
Yeshua would not have been cultic. He was a House Hillel Pharisee who spoke against the conservative [religious] position held by House Shammai Pharisees. In fact, He spoke vehemently against them often (remember the "Woe to you" phrases)? [For more information on this topic, see the book... Jesus the Pharisee..." if you can find it affordable!]
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Dave Hansen
Sent: Sunday, 26 September, 2004 12.23
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

DAVEH:  How do you think the prevailing establishment would have perceived him, John?

In a message dated 9/25/2004 11:14:53 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DAVEH:   Hmmmmm again........Would you consider Jesus to have been cultish, if that is the right term?  Or perhaps a better question, would he have been considered to have been the founder (or focal point) of a cult?

Not at all.  His gospel, given full revelation in the writings of Paul and others, simply mirrors the "hidden: agenda of the Father from the beginning of time.     An example of this would be David's comments in Ps 51, telling all those who would read that psalm that God cares more for true worship (brokenness and contribtion than prescribed acts of worship   [i.e. sacrifices], even if they were presecibed by Him.   The message has always been there  -- it got lost in man's evolving effort at solving his own problems in his own way. 


a brother,


 Dave Hansen
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