In a message dated 1/15/2005 2:26:43 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sin as a noun, meaning the sin principle of the flesh is with us as long as
we are in this flesh, but this is not the same thing as saying that there is
no time we can say that we do not continue to sin.  While having a sin
principle in our flesh (our physical bodies), we can walk in victory, in the
Spirit, and not fulfill these temptations of the flesh.  So while we are not
without sin, we can, like Jesus Christ himself, walk holy and not commit
sin.  This, of course, only by the transforming work of Christ within us.

David,  have you done everything possible today, for the service of the ministry.  This day, did you pour yourself out for the afflicted?    Is there any degree of selfishness or pride in your life.   You you say that you lived your life exactly as God in Christ would have to do in every respect.   

If you answer "yes" to the above  ---  how many folk do you know, really, who can say the same.   An actually number is what I am asking for.   

And what of those who have not so complied.   If I said that this would be nearly everyone you know   --   what are the impliations of that reality?


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