DAVEH: Double standard!?!?!?! Do you sincerely believe that, Perry? There are a lot of TTers who I do not consider to be anti-Mormon. At least they have not exhibited any characteristics that would meet my definition. I believe one can disagree with my LDS theology, and not be an anti-Mormon. But when one actively denigrates my beliefs, then I would view him as an anti-Mormon. That is why I consider both you and Kevin to be anti-Mormons, as you have both made a substantial effort to publicly denigrate the LDS Church.

Nor do I understand why you think it is politically motivated. I think you are reading much more into this than is logical to assume. By labeling you and Kevin as anti-Mormon, what political effects, benefits or motivations do you see it having in TT? Do you think it is going to sway other TTers one way or another from what they currently believe? Just what do you perceive the political fallout to be?

Charles Perry Locke wrote:

From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
LDS folks did coin the anti-Mormon term, and subsequently defined it in effect as one who actively preaches against and denigrates LDS theology

Right so it is a defense/deflection mechanism to label those that are engaged in any form of criticism of the church in an attempt to dismiss ALL the Criticism since they are just ANTI's

Like I said before, it's use is politically motivated. Also, Dave, you said "That I would disagree or even argue that another's Christian based theology is misguided would not make me an anti-Christian". That is a double standard to say that I am "anti-mormon" because I "disagree or even argue that another's Christian based theology is misguided".


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