Yes, CW has shown herself INTOLERANT

David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Caroline wrote:
> Someone I don't know, trust, believe or even like shouting at me
> stuff that is offensive to my ears is disturbing my right to peace
> and quiet and my right to be unmolested and intimidated when
> I enter my place of worship.

Hmmm. Is there a problem with tolerance here? You don't have a right to
quietness when you are outside your "place of worship" (place of worship? --
another topic that needs addressing at another time). When you are inside
your "place of worship" then you have a right to quietness. Those who want
quietness in public places do not really believe in free speech.

Caroline wrote:
> What if it wasn't a Street Preacher on the video but Skin Heads,
> NeoNazis or Satanists cursing you while you're trying to get
> into a meeting?

Cursing is another issue entirely, but if they were out in front of my
"place of worship" rebuking those attending church, that would be just fine.
That is what freedom of speech is all about. More than that, I would very
much welcome it because it would cause those entering to examine themselves
whether they be in the faith. What is dangerous is when you have nobody in
society rebuking the sinners within it. Some of the church hypocrites need
some rebuking, even if it were to come from Satanists. If you know any who
want to rebuke Christians, please send them over to my church meeting place.

Caroline wrote:
> Is there any law in America that you could use to stop
> them or are they totally protected by the ACLU too?

Our Constitution protects the right of speech in public places. Does Canada
have any laws that protect free speech? Are most Canadians against free

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)

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