Dave, Blaine wrote, "Priestcraft is, by my definition," which admits that he guessed at or made the definition up that suits him. Had he said "according to Webster's", or " the definition of Priestcraft is" I could not have made the assertion I made.


Reply-To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Perry vs DaveH
Date: Sat, 04 Jun 2005 12:33:09 -0700

DAVEH: According to the dictionary definition, it's obvious Blaine was not making it up as your below assertion, Perry........


.......Will Blaine receive a forthcoming apology?

Charles Perry Locke wrote:

I never use the term, and have no definition. But if I wanted one I would see if there was a comon usage for the term. I wouldn't make up my own definition to fit my own desires.

So, what is your definition of "priestcraft,"  Perry?

In a message dated 6/3/2005 7:17:13 AM Mountain Standard Time,


>Blaine wrote:  Priestcraft is, by my  definition, ...

Here we go again...the mormons like to  make up their own meanings for
words, to suit thier own personal perception of the world. I call this the "Queen of Hearts" syndrome: "Words mean exactly what I want them to mean!"

When a  person is steeped in a culture in which the cultural leaders
redefine words to have untraditional meanings, for the purpose of making the

culture appear to be other than it really is, this begins to affect it's
adherents, as we see with Blaine above, and have recently seen with DaveH in his limited definition of the word "teach", which exclusdes his own actions
on TT.

Another case in point is the Clinton case where his attempt tp liimit the definition of certain words and phrases to exclude his own actions has been passed down to our youth, who at times use these tactics to try to exclude
thier own  actions.

Another, but inverse,  example is the word  "homophobe". In this case the
definition of the word has been EXPANDED to include not only those who fear
homosexuality (traditional definition),  but to include those who beleive
that it is sinful behavior.

The root of this is in the "politically correct" movement, where it does
not matter what you feel or believe, but how you are  perceived.

Wow. What a  world!


Dave Hansen
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