
Personally, I am finished with this topic with Blaine. He attempted to besmirch me publicly, I responded publicly. It is over except for Blaine's apology to me. (I am not holding my breath ;-)


Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fwd: Not enough time nor patience
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 23:28:04 -0400

I will add one tid-bit of information. When that list was inadvertently posted to TT, I responded with a rather involved witness knowing that when I hit the send button -- it would post to each name on that list. Someone in the group then complained that I had been sending him emails for a "couple of weeks." Which was not true. So -------------------- all this business between Perry and the Mormon boys carries no more weight with me than the complaint of that one Mormon disciple.

Take it private is my vote.


-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Perry Locke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 19:10:22 -0700
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Fwd: Not enough time nor patience


  You said, "This harrassment is coming, apparently, from Perry".

Evidently Raymond did not tell you this, because all he said in his email to you is, "He went on to delete me from the list, but he is still writing to me privately." I do not see that he said I was harassing him. In fact, I did him a favor by unsubscribing him when he could not get unsubscribed otherwise, and we exchanged several emails, none of which were harassing. In fact, here is an excerpt from the end of Raymond's last email to me:

  Perry: Well, nice talking to you. Feel free to write any time you like.

Raymond: I don't mind carrying on this correspondence. Just remember that I don't have a lot of time. I work 14 hours a day. I will answer when I can.

Now, Blaine, does this sound like harassment to you? I suggest tht before you go on a witch hunt you find out the facts, okay?

You also said, "Perry is the same person who took all the private e-mail addresses listed on one of my accidental posts on TT, contacted these people, and endeavored to coerce them into subscribing to TT."

First of all, if they were private email addresses why did you place them in the "To:" field of a public email message, then post it to TruthTalk?

Second, you invited them to join TT in your mail. That is all. Nothing private about that. And I furthered that invitation to them to join TT in a friendly way. I sent one email inviting them and no more.

Third, you said that endeavored to coerce them. Since when is a friendly invitation "endeavoring to coerce".

There's your explanation Blaine. Is that good enough? Is this the way you search for truth in ALL of your endeavors? Before you accuse me of things I did not do, you'd better do some DUE DILLIGENCE and get the facts straight!

So, your attempt to besmirch my reputation on TT is BASELESS and FAILED because of it!


>Subject: [TruthTalk] Fwd: Not enough time nor patience
>Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 20:38:56 EDT
>Following is a very recent note from Raymond. He has apparently had the
>same problem unsubscribing as I had when I tried to unsubscribe >temporarily some >time ago. This harrassment is coming, apparently, from Perry. Perry is >the
>same person who took all the private e-mail addresses listed on one of my
>accidental posts on TT, contacted these people, and endeavored to coerce >them
>into subscribing to TT. Mr. Perry buddy, I want an explanation for your
>behavior. It better be good.
>Sincerely, Blainerb
>In a message dated 6/14/2005 12:48:29 AM Mountain Standard Time,
>Hi Blaineā?"
>Iā?Tm sorry that itā?Ts taken so long for me to reply. Iā?Tve moved again >(just >across town). Iā?Tm also working 82 hours a week; so that keeps me fairly >busy.
>I tried to unsubscribe, but was unsuccessful. I tried blocking the email,
>but that didnā?Tt work. After identifying it as SPAM a few times, Perry >sent be a >private email wanting to know if I still wanted to be a part of the group. >I >told him that I didnā?Tt ā?" the same reasons that I had told you. He told >me >that there was a malfunction or something and that Yahoo should have >deleted me
> from the group. He went on to delete me from the list, but he is still
>writing to me privately.
><< message5.txt >>

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