Lance just does not know history.
It was Christians who freed the slaves
it was Christians who built the universities.
it was christians who built the hospitals.
It was christians who became the "angels" who braved the war to minister to the sick & dying on the battlefields.
It is Red CROSS not crescent.

Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
what does the list below have to do with true 'believers' the kind who walk after the Spirit and do
not fulfill the lust of the flesh are ...
1. Not hedonistic
2. Godly women are joint heirs of the grace of God and don't need liberation
3. Godly women do not seek to kill the gift of God (their offspring)
4. Godly men are not into anarchy any more than they are into hedonism
5. Civil War generals on both sides were deceived Freemasons, the food soldiers had no choice.
6. Joseph did pretty well in Egypt as did Daniel as an adviser to Nebuchadnezzar
7. Is a matter of personal opinion and TT is a "mixed bag"
8. What is your proof that it is Christians who are the "virulent racists?" in the South. It is more likely ppl filled
    with fear of the unknown.  Believers walk in love and by faith.
9.  Hitler was NOT a 'believer' and neither were those who carried out his program regardless of their official
On Thu, 16 Jun 2005 11:06:49 -0400 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
May I ask of you what it is that you mean by 'The Church'? By the by, Judy, I have 'entertained that idea'.
No, I do mean real believers. I do mean the real church.
Have you ever entertained the idea Lance that what you have judged here is NOT the Church?
Not the one that Jesus is building anyway because His disciples look like Him.  Appears to me as though
you have done vast research in all of the wrong places...  I can agree with you on one point.  Unclean is
unclean, filth is filth, and sin is sin in every generation.  jt
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Muir
MDOA began with the human heart (fallen) which is no different now than at the founding of your nation
The hedonism of the '60's was no more significant that the hedonism of the 20's
Women's Lib was precipitated, in part, by the treatment of women by society in general and, in part, by the church
Abortion 'rights':no disagreement
Anti-war movement was legitimate. One needs to recognize that there exist legitimate arguments, by believers, against as well as for that war (or any war including Iraq).
During your Civil War, both sides had Generals and enlisted men who read their Bibles and, prayed daily. There Bibles o'plenty.
Christians throughout history have demonstrated themselves to be no more effective in running government than others.
Christian 'teaching' doesn't even enable TTers to speak in a civil manner to one another.
Christians throughout history have not only demonstrated virulent racism all over the globe but also anti-semiticism of an equal sort. Do you know the story of Ruby Bridges? Do you know who comprised the sign waving, epithet hurling crowds who threatened her life? It was Christians in Russia, Spain, Europe who willingly killed Jews by the millions.
Slavery was a mixed bag. Many christians were for it and, used the scriptures to support their position.
I'm going to leave off at this point.

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