In a message dated 6/16/2005 6:02:25 AM Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
There's not a lot of history of tolerance in the South.  Sorry to hear that.  Just goes to show that not everyone who is a self-proclaimed "Christian" really behaves like Jesus.  He would have rebuked the mormons and preached to them, but I don't think He would beat them up! Izzy
I agree, for once, with you, Izzy.  I don't think the tactics used by the "good ol' boys" of the South solved their problem.  Sometimes persecuting people only makes them more determined.  I think that is one reason there are now plenty of Mormons in the south, and a few temples, too, which are usually a rough measure of the actual numbers.  BUT I have read a number of incidents regards missionaries being threatened and roughed up.  One such incident was actually comical-- the missionaries had been threatened by a mob of hooded men at night, so they loudly announced they would  "gore the hell"  out of them if they didn't leave them alone.  Believe it or not, it worked, and the hooded guys took off, apparently believing Mormons literally developed horns when it got dark.  :>)

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