This has to do with my question for Blaine as to why the LDS are so insecure that they need to call people "ANTIS"
Of course there was no reasonable answer.

Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It has nothing to do with 'insecurity' DaveH; Kevin is being obedient to the Word of God to our generation.
In Jude we are told to contend for the faith "once" delivered to the saints.  Note that it was not "half delivered" with the other half coming later by way of JS.  jt

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
DAVEH:  Why do you feel so insecure that you need to contend for your faith, Kevin?

Kevin Deegan wrote:
It is called earnestly "Contending for the faith ONCE delivered to the saints" in the scriptures.
Of course you would like us to shut up that makes your job of propagating error much easier!

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
DAVEH: I hope you two don't mind me interjecting a thought or two.....

When I came to TT, I had expected it would be more of a round table
discussion type setting for those of many beliefs and religious
perspectives. However, I can now see why my illusions were incorrect.
Some of the participants view TT as being a battlefield where the goal
is to vanquish Mormonism or any other theological premises that contrast
those who feel uncomfortable with those they believe are under Satan's
influence. So Perry, I hope you understand why I don't have meaningful
discussions with you anymore. If you feel you are making headway
Perry, good for you. Just keep thinking that way. I find it somewhat
interesting when some people arrogantly think they understand something
and are so smug in their assumptions that they overlook simple truths.
I just don't believe such self deceptions are coming from the Spirit of
the Lord.

Charles Perry Locke wrote:

>> From: "Lance Muir"
> As to 'being a supporter of Satan', Mr. Moderator, if being
> thick-headed in one's approach qualifies then, look in the mirror.
> IMO, you've made no headway since my arrival on TT
> Well, just because these two mormons do not appear to be responding
> does not mean my continually engaging them is not making headway. When
> the cognitive dissonances they have to expend energy to deny reach
> critical mass, anything can happen!
> Also, there is more than one front on which this battle is being
> waged. One is exposing the truth to the mormons (although they are
> blinded by the deceit and cannot see it), and the other is the
> education of others on the forum who may not be as informed as you
> about mormonism and it's occultic origin and nature.
>> so, put a sock in it will ya?
> Now, I think we are getting down to the real basis of your
> complaint...your own boredom with my ranting about mormonism to the
> mormons. As long as I continue to feel led to refute Satan in his
> mormon stronghold, I will continue.
> Perry

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