Thanks for your charitable judgement of me being guiltless, JD. :>)   I am not all that sure I deserve it, but I at least think it a good thing to avoid contention as much as possible.  If I sense someone getting their steam up, I soft-pedal it, or just bow out, hopefully in a graceful manner. 
Sorry to hear this forum affects your daily life so much.  I used to let a couple of contributors get to me, so I understand how it can happen.  Now, I just consider the source.  That helps a lot.  Funny, though, I would have split the contributors into about the same two
groups as you have done.  :>)    Maybe this is analogous to the final day, when the goats will be on the left hand, and the sheep on the right hand, left representing liberals, and right representing conservatives.  Seems like every group ends up somehow being divided along those lines, regardless of claims otherwise, pretentions or whatever.  :>)
In a message dated 6/17/2005 10:25:31 AM Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Funny  --  I was adding the phrase "Terry, Lance, Marlin, Blaine, DAvid H and whoever are herein found to be reasonbly guiltless"   and before I could get the guiltless part typed in  --  the computer sent the post  -------------------  Divine implications  ?????????????  
Anywho  --  corrections have been  completed and "send" has been manually activated. 

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