John, if you feel that his statement is a fantasy, the proper approach is to refute his assertion. Perry
I have done so in the past to no avail. Such a discussion always winds up being a debate over subjective issues.   Failure will be the only outcome between opponents.    Rather than a protracted discussion of personal issues,  I prefer biblical issues since that is the reason why I came to this forum in the first place.

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Perry Locke <>
Sent: Wed, 20 Jul 2005 07:28:59 -0700
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] ad-hominem discussion

  David's wording of "using yet another one of your meaningless tautologies" instead of something less directed, does sound more emotional in nature than had he said simply "using a tautology" [the word "meaningless" is redundant since it is implied by the fact that a tautology is being claimed], and I can understand how you would take it that way. But I do not believe that David intended this as an attack on you, otherwise I feel certain that he would have admitted it and apologized. He has told me himself that he believes people can post things that appear ad-hominem, or that another takes that way, that are not intended to be so. And, since he does not sin, I am sure he would have apologized had he really meant it that way. 
 David, I hope this does not sound like a patronization of your statement that you do not sin, but I believe that if you at all meant it in the sense John is stating that the spirit would have convicted you and you would have apologized. Am I right on this? 
  John, if you feel that his statement is a fantasy, the proper approach is to refute his assertion. 

>There are put downs, Perry, and there are statements of compliment. The >fantasy that "John is using yet another meaningless tautology" is a phrase >that is of the insult variety. In fact, David's whole tone is such. >Webster says what he says. And that is the sense in which I use the >wording. David believes that you can separate the words of an opponent >from the character of the opponent without being guilty of ad hom. I do >not. 


>-----Original Message----- 
>From: Charles Perry Locke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wed, 20 Jul 2005 06:15:30 -0700 
>Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] ad-hominem discussion 


> I do not think we can separate the ad hominem from logic, John. All >discussion contains some form of logic, some form of argumentation, >especially when our goal is to present and support a point of view. In it's >simplist form the ad hominem argument is merely an appeal to emotion rather >than logic. 

> Actually, David's statement is not an ad hominem comment directed at >you. >From

>tau·tol·o·gy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (tô-tl-j) 
>n. pl. tau·tol·o·gies 

>1. a. Needless repetition of the same sense in different words; redundancy. 
> b. An instance of such repetition. 

>2. Logic. An empty or vacuous statement composed of simpler statements in a >fashion that makes it logically true whether the simpler statements are >factually true or false; for example, the statement "Either it will rain >tomorrow or it will not rain tomorrow". 

> The point, John, is that a tautology is always true, cannot ever be >false, "states the obvious", adding nothing to an argument. In that sense >it is "meaningless". In mathemetics, a simple example of a tautology is >"1=1". What does that add to your understanding of mathematics? Nothing. In >that sense it is a "meaningless tautology". 


> >I do not use ad hom in the sense of an issue of logic. I use it in the > >same sense as the dictionary definition I included earlier -- that's my > >story and I am sticking with it. 
> >JD 

>"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may >know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) > 

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