Debbie wrote:
> Please, David, stop patronizing me in this
> ridiculous fashion. Your condescension only
> serves as a temptation to contempt.

Sorry, Debbie.  I think you misunderstood my rambling.  I have been enjoying 
our discussion and did not mean that you don't have the intellectual ability 
for reductionism (that seems to be how you took it).  I think reductionism 
takes more work, and I thought that's what you were getting at, but I wasn't 
sure, so I asked, "what's wrong with that."

Debbie wrote:
> The problem has nothing to do with the amount of detail
> I can hold in my mind; if anything, it is the reverse. But
> the real issue for me has never been mere quantity of data
> --it is the presence or absence of richness of connection.
> Indeed, your mathematical example is backwards. Your
> approach to most topics is extremely linear and unidimensional,
> and that is precisely my objection.

I think you misapprehend my approach to issues.  Examining specific aspects 
of an issue is a temporary task, but... whatever.  I see you don't get it.

Debbie wrote:
> As for building a car, it is not at all like evolving
> an eye! I ought to have known better, as you simply
> do not get either the point of specific analogies or the
> purpose of analogies in general. Analogies are not
> arguments; they are explanations, illustrations, invitations
> to intellectual empathy (as it were).

I did not take it as an argument, which is why I rambled on with my personal 
life of illustrations.  This is exactly why I hate talking about myself.  I 
did not understand why " trying to evolve the whole eye or wing one feature 
at a time" would cause you to shrink back.  I still don't.  If you can 
explain it, I am VERY interested.  If you think I'm too dense, I understand. 
I do get kind of dense sometimes.  I'm one of those guys who sometimes does 
not get the joke as readily as others.  Sometimes I think I look at it from 
too many angles.

Maybe I should shrink back to my cave.  I do have a lot of other things to 
do. Sorry for upsetting you.  Prior to this post from you, I thought we were 
communicating and was feeling encouraged and comfortable in that.  I guess I 
got too comfortable.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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