Dean Moore wrote:

The Wesleyan church I was preaching at had sodomites in the congregation that had been there for years and had become a part of the church-helping with the young and such. When I preached against sodomy and the God loves everybody ( I also preached on the love of God is available to all for a time esp. to the church) belief it was I who was viewed as in the wrong- not the Sodomites. True we are to help them understand Jesus till the spirits say enough. I find nowhere in the bible where we are to invite/bring them into the church-We are to speak truth to them and even cloth/feed the perverse-but there is a line Jesus made that cannot be breached because it is a sword between us and them. Do you consider this as casting stoned?

 Dean Moore wrote:
Not at all ,brother Dean.  The Church is made of people, not wood and nails.  Only a born again Christian can be a member of the Church.  Since no sodomite can be a Christian, no sodomite can be part of the Church.  Our job is to offer them the Gospel; give them the opportunity to become ex-sodomites and members of the family.  You do that on the street, on the job. in the prisons.  Then, when they have made a decision to repent and follow Jesus, they can be part of the Church.  Those that do not repent should be expelled from any congregation that claims the name of Christ.  The same thing can be said of dishonest business men, gossips, and on and on.


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