Judy, how about considering the fact that CSL was MUCH OLDER than you when he got saved, and maybe just hadn’t had all the years and/or Bible Study Fellowship experiences that you have.  You have grown over the years, according to your words below.  I’m sure CSL did also.  No one has it all together immediately.  Cut people some slack; especially those who spend their lives writing and speaking Christian apologetics to the best of their understanding.  I think his personal choices were exemplary.  And since when is “making a lot of money writing” a sin?


Now who else can we slice and dice on TT?  iz



I read Linda's observations and there was a time when I may have agreed with her - However, I now believe that a heart truly surrendered to Christ would have layed aside the classical education and mythology rather than try to mix it like oil and water.  Paul had a pretty good education himself and he counted it as dung compared to the knowledge of Christ. For the record I don't believe CSL actually knew the Lord though he may have been up on doctrinal orthodoxy and he made a lot of money with his writing.  His personal choices tell the rest of the story.

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