Thank you for your detailed response ... I would like to have an image that is pleasing to everyone and am
truly sorry that I have missed the mark with this.   I don't have money to show ppl love; and what I do have is
constantly mocked and maligned.  I never wanted to get into this back and forth volley of strife but I guess
when we lay with the dogs we get up with fleas.  I'm really sorry that what the Lord has done in me so far
is not up to standard.  All I really have to give is my time and love for God's Word. 
Actually I should - like Christine - be spending my time more wisely, especially at this time of year so I will
follow her example and sign off for now.
                                        Wishing everyone a joyous holiday season,  judyt
On Mon, 19 Dec 2005 18:56:34 -0600 Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Judy Taylor wrote:
You wrote a very explicit comment about me personally earlier today which caused me to
respond with the following question.  If you are walking in the kind of love you accuse me of
being void of ... Then could you please answer the following for me.
Terry, please tell me.  If you could see the love you say you don't see in me -
What would it look like?  Can you describe it please?  Does any person demonstrate it on TT?
If I could see it I could possibly describe it Judy, but I cannot see it.  This concerns you so you obviously want to show people you love or care about them.  The thing is, it just doesn't come through.  I can see that you know your Bible.  I can agree with much of what you post.  I can see that you try to live a life pleasing to the Lord.  The only thing missing is the love for others.  Let me throw out a couple of possibilities for you to consider that might help.  I am not suggesting that you stop being you.  I am suggesting that you change your pattern a little to let others see the care you have in your heart.  I would suggest first, that you need not respond to every post.  Let some of them go by without a comment.  Second, you might ask why a person came to his or her conclusion rather than just telling them flat out that they do not know what they are talking about.  (I seldom know what G or Bill is talking about, but I seldom comment on anything they say)  Surprisingly, I think Bill cares about the people here, maybe as much as Dean does.  I see John and Izzy at their best and at their worst.  Both of them , I believe, make a decision to be kinder and more loving, but their button eventually gets pushed and they start replying as you do.
I know personally of David Millers love.  He offered me financial help that ,thank the Lord, I did not need at the time, but the offer was sincere.  He wanted to help me.  That makes it easy to love him, cause like Christ, he loved me first.  Marlin wanted to help his neighbor a while back, so no need to question the love in his heart.  The others on the list have probably not impressed me one way or the other.  I choose to think the best of them.
 We all have a long way to go in this area, Judy.  You are not in this boat by yourself.  None of us has reached the other shore.  I had to peek around my beam to write what I did. Please think about what I've said.  I meant to help, even if the short term result is hurtful.  I will be praying for you.

He that says "I know Him" and doesn't keep His Commandments
                              is a liar (1 John 2:4)

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