JD wrote:
> These words  I didn't understand it JD,  It was
> incomprehensible to me .... struck me as casting
> my writing in the same light as DM often does.
> I regard such as blatant arrognace.

This is your example of arrogance?  You are only projecting your own 
arrogance upon Judy.  You think you write so perfectly that nobody in the 
world could fail to understand you!

JD wrote:
> I do not believe for a second that Judy could
> not understand what I wrote !!      She pretends
> to not be at war with me -  yet she opposes my
> words with every post.  She has called me the
> Accuser, knowing full well the biblcal usage of
> that word.   I consider the source, but it does
> get tiring.  That she is not at war with me is simply
> not believable.  I see no sincerity in her post.  Sorry.

I fully believe that Judy did not understand what you wrote.  I often cannot 
understand your writings.  Your assumptions are very different from most 
people I know.

As for Judy's concept that she is not at war with you, well, the reason she 
thinks that way is because in her heart she has nothing personally against 
you.  Opposing some of your posts is an act of love on her part, hoping that 
you will see that your viewpoint is not the shining tower of truth that you 
seem to think it is.  It is no different than a parent correcting one's 
child.  Some might think that parental correction and discpline is contrary 
to love, but those of us mature in the Lord know that such is love of the 
highest degree.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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