Weren't we talking about holy day obsevances?   You have added a traditional point of view to the text, which is fine, but it is a tradition I do not accept.   Paul is dealing with Jewish issues in Romans 14, which would include the Sabbath.   That opinion is a tradition as well.  But I believe the context supports the point since the Jews are clearly a major consideration of Paul.   But thanks for you comments.
-------------- Original message --------------
From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cd: John Rom.14 again is speaking of eating certain food on feast days called Holy Days and to not judge you brother for eating certain foods -read the entire verse and tell me how many times food, or eating,or drinking is mention in that chapter? It is mentioned 19 times John-now tell me what does the Sabbath (sat) have to do with eating?Yet eating has a important role in the Feasts of Isreal.Use logic and the answer will come.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 12/19/2005 1:06:46 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Saturday Sabbath

Romans 14 puts to an end this argument.
-------------- Original message --------------
From: "Marlin halverson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Over one hundred years ago the Catholic Mirror ran a series of articles discussing the right of the Protestant churches to worship on Sunday. The articles stressed that unless one was willing to accept the authority of the Catholic Church to designate the day of worship, the Christian should observe Saturday. Those articles are presented here in their entirety."





Photo copyright 1914 by Underwood & Underwood

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