On Fri, 13 Jan 2006 06:56:35 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
EVERYONE on TT, Judy, believes their observations to be 'rooted and grounded' in Scripture. Each believes, where they are in their journey just now, to have reflected that which the Lord Himself would have them say. I BELIEVE THIS OF YOU. I BELIEVE THIS
However, when one encounters duplicity, faulty argumentation, a careless 'reading' of another's 'mail'..then, a corrective must be offered. Also JT, you and DM, rather strangely I would suggest, regularly demean any who acknowledge the contribution of another believer in print.
I can't relate to the above accusation since I don't recall either myself or DM demeaning anyone at all, much less regularly
It's almost like suggesting that all sufficiency is to be found in 'God, The Book, and You'. Accessing any other source whatsoever is cause for criticism.
I see you put your own spin on it Lance. DM reads other books and I do also even quoting them at times. However, I don't look to them as a source of Truth and this is the difference.
Now, as to the matter of 'repentance' (please correct me Bill if I'm misrepresenting you on this) DM and Bill have differing understandings. DM should, IMO, acknowledge, clarify, and expound that difference then, just move on. I'm with Bill on this one. God is with Bill on this one, IMO, of course.
I don't know what DM has to say about this but IMO Bill like your "D" has a view that is rooted in Calvinism.
How interesting - Debbie Sawzak is of a Calvinistic bent; because after all it is his doctrine that claims one
must be regenerated before it is possible to repent because of "total depravity" and this comes out of a
misunderstanding of the spiritual realities involved. 
On Fri, 13 Jan 2006 06:21:05 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Is repentance part of the Gospel? Yes, the NT is replete with directives to repent. But repentance is not a means by which or through which people are saved. It is Jesus Christ who is our Savior. Salvation is in him, complete with mediation on our behalf. Repentance is therefore our response to the greatest news the world has ever heard; it is our response to the good news of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Lance, I now see what you meant today about the exchange bw Bill and David, having read the full message from Bill. The above is the crux, isn't it? It (esp the part I bolded) reminds me of what Victor said numerous times in his Human Person course: I know Christ first of all, before anything else, as my Saviour. The accountability, the repentance, arise out of that.

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