If this Victor person is correct and "UNBELIEF" is the predicament humanity is in then why was the Holy Spirit
sent to reprove the WORLD (note this is not just God's covenant ppl) of SIN, righteousness, and judgment?
(John 16:8)  Why didn't God send Him as an antidote to "unbelief" only if this is the main problem??
On Sun, 15 Jan 2006 06:50:35 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: January 14, 2006 17:02
Subject: OK, done working for now

paragraph in this lecture of Victor's:
I've often said, too, that the hardest part of any service of worship for the minister is the children's story, because nearly all the children's stories here are moralistic bromides. It's just moralistic bromide. And the Gospel isn't heard because we assume that children can't understand the Gospel. They can be taught not to steal, and they can be taught not to swear, but they can't understand the Gospel. This is ridiculous, but keep your eye on the Christian education wing of your church or denomination, because that's where the Gospel goes down.
It strikes me that street preaching and children's sermons go down the same wrong path!
Paragraph from next lecture:

The protestant reformers maintain that the root problem is Sin and it gives rise to sins. But be sure you know which is which, or you will never come to terms with the Gospel. Morality maintains that little "s" sins plural is the human predicament. The Gospel maintains that capital "S" Sin singular – unbelief – is the predicament.

This is the difference between David's understanding of repentance and Bill's/JD's.


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