From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I don't think you are hearing us properly David. WE/I am saying that
Christ did not appear in our heathren state-He appeared in the state we are
after salvation not before salvation. As a born again believer I have flesh
and blood I can choose to sin-but chose not to-I am a spiritual child of
Abraham due to abdoption from the heathen state-I was changed to become
more Christ like. Jesus did not lower himself to that level to become a
Exactly ...  A good example of his separation from sinners and the fallacy of all
the "buddy/brethren" talk before the cross (other than the disciples that is) can
be seen at the time of the passover in Jerusalem we are told that "many believed
in his name, when they saw the miracles which he did" but get this "But Jesus
DID NOT commit himself unto them, because he knew all men, and needed
not that any should testify of man; for he knew what was in man" (Jn 2:23-25)
But there is also much about His divinity also David.We are not saying
he wasn't flesh and blood- you seem to think He reduced himself down to the
lowest state of sin -where we were. Yet he clearly states that Satan had no
claim on Him.
Sure does; what was in man wasn't in Him that's for sure ie: Jesus tells his
disciples "Hereafter I will not talk much with you 'for the prince of this world
cometh and hath nothing in me" (Jn 14:30).  Obviously he had something in
the rest of mankind but NOTHING IN HIM.  No Adamic cursed nature to have
to overcome and no 'iniquities' of the fathers. Satan had absolutely no ground
in him.
We don't think you guys are clearly/accuritely describing you side of
the coin. When we looked at your side we find you are mistaken -
Amen; the Romans 5 One for all and all for one formula is also off base. I
don't see Jesus praying for the whole world before he becomes one for all.
Do you Dean??  So it is not as automatic as this doctrine makes it appear.

> From: David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'm not caught up on reading, but I just have to say, Judy, that you are
> hearing Bill properly.  He did answer your question.  Many heresies
> up and those who wrote in the first few centuries after the Biblical
> addressed these heresies.  You personally don't understand this because
> are not well read in the church fathers.

> Also, the Biblical writers were not negligent about the relationship of
> Jesus and the incarnation.  There is at least as much about that as there
> about his Divinity.  That is why Christianity divided so much over
> who Jesus was:  God or man.  Well... he was BOTH!  Duh.

> Everybody is just describing two sides of the same coin and trying to
> that the other side is lying about what the coin actually looks like.
> a coin up right now, Judy.  Describe its face to yourself.  Then have
> husband describe the tail side.  Do this while you both are looking at
> same coin.  Do you both describe it the same way?  No.  Why?  You are
> looking at different sides.  That's what you and Bill are doing in this
> conversation.  Please TRY to hear what Bill is saying.  He is using
> Deal with that

> David Miller.
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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