----- Original Message -----
Sent: 3/8/2006 2:17:54 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] ***************Respose - ModeratorcommentADHOM*************

Dave why are you trying to fuel dissection between the groups?

DAVEH:   Hmmmmmmmm........well, I hadn't thought about dissecting you guys, but it is a tempting thought you've given me!      ;-)
cd: Hey, but fair Dave? You try monitoring 150 odd posting and then spell discretion?

Is it the Mormon in you doing such-or are you just plain mean?

DAVEH:  LOL......Sometimes I think SPers are their own worst enemy!  You have the power to push the button that bars me from TT, Dean.  If you do such, I don't think your problems will all go with me.   I've been called a pagan here, a snake in the grass, satan's messenger boy........and I've been falsely accused of condoning violence against SPers.  So let me ask you, Dean......Is it the Christian in you doing such-or are you just plain mean?
cd: O BIG SLIP UP DAVE-You just acknowledged that Mormons are not Christians for the first time-That means you were lying all the other times you made the claim to be a Christian-So I say/demand again " Get the "Church of Jesus Christ" name off your temple Pagan!!!" BTW prove to me that your were called-"A snake in the grass" and "satans messenger boy-I suspect you may be right about the word"Pagan".

Dean Moore wrote:
cd:Dave why are you trying to fuel dissection between the groups??Is it the Mormon in you doing such-or are you just plain mean?.

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