> [Original Message]
> From: David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org>
> Date: 3/14/2006 12:09:40 PM
> Subject: [TruthTalk] TruthTalk Moderator
> Dear TruthTalk members,
> I feel it prudent to clarify many misunderstandings.  Please bear with me 
> while I make a few posts regarding this subject of the TruthTalk
> If you are new on the list, please try to overlook our dirty laundry.
> Dean wrote:
> > I am no longer Moderator of Truth talk.
> > David requested that I step down-so
> > I have done so.
> This is not true.  I never asked Dean to step down.  I asked to talk with 
> him about it.

cd: For you to mention that you wanted to talk to me about stepping down is
the same as asking me to step down, David.It is the same as to say we need
discuss your being fired from being moderator of TT. No different-so I did
so. No lying here, David.

  I asked to talk with him about either stepping down or 
> changing his approach and methods of communicating.  I tried to call him
> the phone and left a voice message for him to return my call, and I sent
> a short e-mail.  Here is the e-mail:
  cd:What change of approach David? Allow others to be mocked and called
liars while I do nothing- Your team would like that-"Come cuss the
Christians everybody-nobody cares-not even the owner of the site. Well I do
care David. Judy is no liar-and what have you done about that-nothing-and
when I do something about it-you want to talk about me stepping down or
change the way I do things.

> =====================
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: David Miller
> To: Dean Moore
> Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 12:08 PM
> Subject: TruthTalk
> Carroll, we need to talk.  The list is not going well at all.  I would
> to talk with you about either stepping down from being moderator or
> your approach and methods of communicating.
> David Miller.
> 352-564-1512
> =====================
> I never received a return phone call, nor an email attempt to
> Dean has simply stepped down and has now misrepresented me in saying that
> asked him to step down.
-Explained in the above.
> My concern is communication.  Carroll has written to me in glowing terms 
> about the list and where it is headed.  I have had a number of concerns 
> about where the list was heading and I desired only to talk with him
> it.  I am concerned when people are suspended from the list and do not
> a clear understanding why it was done. 
cd: What people? John-He was warned several times and you thanked me for
doing the job and then later when I warned you about breaking the rules.I
received a complete turn around and then John was a good guy and I was
unfair. I have the posts see below.
Before the warning I gave you for bring a private discussion to TT.

Now concerning John's suspension, I want to point out a few things.
> 1. Dean is the moderator and he is the sole person with the authority to 
> remove people from the list, if he deems such necessary. We do not make 
> joint decisions about this. Obviously, if I were to see something 
> inappropriate on Dean's part, I would step in to correct it. I think Dean 
> would welcome such too. However, as long as he is acting in accordance to 
> righteousness and holiness, I keep my hands off of the matter. In regards 
> to John's suspension, this was completely Dean's decision.
> 2. From my understanding of this matter, John was suspended for ad
> style posts that he would not apologize for. For example, he sent the 
> following post about me:

cd: Here is the warning I gave you:
David you are bringing private moderator discussions on this public TT
site-I realize you are attempting to control lies and your reputation for
the good of this site-but you are violating the same rule others were
reprimanded for. It would not be fair to others if I allowed this to
continue- If you bring private discussions on this list again-in a
reasonable amount of time- I will have no choice but to suspend you for
three days-and reinstate you per your agreement to comply to the rules.It
is my Job to protect others on this list from this type of discussion. I
suggest you e-mail the members on this list privately for this type of
iniquity. Thanks Carroll Moore-Moderator

 cd:After I gave you a warning- You wrote:
> [Original Message]
> From: David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2/26/2006 8:36:04 PM
> Subject: Re: ***Moderator Comment**
> Please stop your evil surmising. I told you what informed me that you
> done wrong here. It was what you said. You said that you included me in 
> your correspondence with John. I had assumed that you had written
> to him and had addressed what I had asked you to address with him. Now I 
> see that this was not the case. You basically have dismissed him without 
> any plan to restore him. This is exactly how denominations have formed. 
> You leave John out there all alone to work out his faith and relationship 
> with the Lord. What is your plan of reconciliation and restoration?
> tell me. While you are at it, perhaps you can tell me exactly what part
of my post 
> broke your rules? I want an exact quote and I want a quote of the exact 
> rule I broke and where I can find it written. Thank you.
>I am very concerned when 
> reconciliation is not the goal of a disciplinary action like suspension. 
> am concerned when I see list rules being changed by one person without 
> discussion, rules that have been in place for many years.  I am concerned 
> when there seems to be no comprehension of our no ad hominem list rule
> public comments that our list policy or rule does not work.
cd: Now what am I to believe-other then David changed his attitude when I
did my job in warning him for breaking the rules?
> The reason I mentioned Dean's stepping down from being moderator was to 
> communicate to him the severity of the problems that I perceive.  He has 
> always written to me in very glowing terms about the list, thinking that
> list was much better and doing much better.  I see it differently.  From
> perspective, Dean has been taking a sectarian approach to the list, 
> attempting to make it an exclusively Christian list and one that did not 
> include Christians who wore a different banner from that of the
cd: At no time as Moderator did I even try and make this a Christian site
David- I even went as far as stating that a Satanist was welcome
here(hoping of course that we could change his mind). I believe you have
let DavH whisper in you ear-sure sounds like his words to me- The proper
thing to do was ask me why I put Gary and DaveH in time out not to jump to
discussing my stepping down from the job-Why didn't you do so? I think you
mind was made up for you about my actions- You should have asked me.

> He apparently believes this is a righteous attitude, but I perceive it to
> a carnal one and spiritually immature.  Clearly, we needed to talk and
> things out.
cd: As long as I am agreeing with you I am walking in holiness-but once we
clash I am carnal and spiritual immature-with evil surmises. I don't buy it
David as you are not God to make these decisions.Why would you put a carnal
and immature Christian in the Job as Moderator in the first place?The facts
Don't support your claim towards me David.
> I'm not sure right now what the future of TruthTalk will be.  I certainly
> not believe that I have the time to devote to it.  For now, I will be the 
> moderator of the list until someone else volunteers.  However, expect
> the list will be sometimes unmoderated.  I only have a certain amount of 
> time and the volume of the list makes it difficult for me to keep up with 
> all the reading.
cd: Next time consider this problem and try putting a little trust in the
man you trusted with your site in the first place. Consider this:
1. The ad. Hom rule is not working to vague in it description-and add a
maybe to the name and one is free to attack at will. Such as:" Maybe
DavH-is an evil man who likes to cause Christians to fight and then lies to
cover his wrongs". I broke no rule in this statement. Yet DavH was
attacked.Fair? How about this: "I believe DavH is a fool!" Did this break
the rule?Why -I merely stated my belief? But this does break the rules:
David said" Judy, Dean is lying about me...etc." I believe it would then be
up to Dean to prove he was not lying and then as Moderator the job would be
to make David apologize for falsely accusing Dean. Why is this not fair? It
allow for truth to be spoken and forces the one doing the attacking to
either stop the attack or apologize.If truth is spoken then there is no
fault? Am I the only one to understand this-why were you unwilling to give
this a chance?
 You are already heading in this direction in the below:
David wrote:"For example, if you gave the dictionary definition and then
proceeded to argue why Dave fits into that category.  If you did this, I
would hope you would be open to hear his rebuttal". 
cd: How is this different then one proving their statements? I have been
accused of breaking your rules-but it would seem that I am following your
rules and are expanding those rules to include the entire group David. Turn
off the phones and give it some thought.

2. The rule of replying in public to moderator does not work as the habits
of others who click the send button before reading the subject line is to
strong to allow this rule to ever work.
3. Don't be afraid to try new things if the old things are not working.
> David Miller
> List Administrator 
> ----------
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