What is so difficult about a simple question?
Are you attempting to imply that his religion is secretive?
What do you mean EMARASS him are you Embarassed by your understanding of his theology?

Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
As DH has acknowledged and, 'everyone here already knows', you know the teachings of his sect as well or better than he does. Are you attempting to teach or embarrass him?
ONCE AGAIN, I'd recommend the book 'Joseph Smith - Rough Stone Rolling' Richard Lyman Bushman
----- Original Message -----
Sent: March 19, 2006 07:00
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Who is God?

As everyone here already knows, I believe God is a Trinity that is exactly why I was wondering how you would answer.
Is this that difficult to answer?
Who do you, believe to be God?
Holy Ghost

Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
DAVEH:  For a guy who knows so much about LDS theology, Kevin....rather than me answering this, why don't you tell me how you believe about the Father, Son and Holy Ghost?

Kevin Deegan wrote:
Maybe you can help me out here Dave H?
Who do you, believe to be God?
Holy Ghost

--    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   Dave Hansen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.langlitz.com   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   If you wish to receive   things I find interesting,   I maintain six email lists...   JOKESTER, OPINIONS, LDS,   STUFF, MOTORCYCLE and CLIPS.    

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