On 2015-07-04 08:58, Cédric Krier wrote:
> Hi,
> For now, we put a blue color on entries when they are required (and
> switch to red when validated as empty).
> I think it is a bad practice for 2 reasons:
>     - the colors are not custumizable and so they could not work on some
>       thèmes.
>     - it is doesn't help the accessibility [1] as this information is
>       only based on color.
> So I was thinking instead about adding a "*" on the labels of the
> required fields. This still stay quite visual (but not too much) and
> readable for accessibility.

Indeed the '*' solution is not so beautiful.

So I worked on an other proposal:

    - make label bold for required field
    - have a better 'invalid form' message that describe the problem

So here is a screenshot of such invalid form with missing required field
and wrong value because of domain.
I think it is really an improvement because now we explain to the user
what is wrong and experienced user can still anticipate required fields.

Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
Email/Jabber: cedric.kr...@b2ck.com
Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
Website: http://www.b2ck.com/

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