Hi, I uploaded it to https://github.com/guzmanico23/cefiro 

I changed the names of the clases but the logic is the same:

1) At formulario.py: within Formulario class I have the One2One field 
2) At formVivTrabajo.py: I have two classes "FormularioViviendaTrabajo" and 
"AuxFormVivTrabajo" (similar to Formviviendatrabajo and Formvivtrabtarget)

The views involved are hc.xml and hcVivTrab.xml

I also post here the error message when trying to opening a new 
"Formulario" (now it can be saved but not properly shown)


El jueves, 26 de mayo de 2016, 8:22:12 (UTC-3), Sergi Almacellas Abellana 
> El 26/05/16 a les 12:52, Pedro Moretto Rodriguez ha escrit: 
> > I mean, I have the module almost finished, I just need to make this 
> > one2one relation to work. I am trying to run it on a newer tryton server 
> > version without success. 
> > 
> > El miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016, 16:30:05 (UTC-3), Pedro Moretto 
> > Rodriguez escribió: 
> > 
> >     Well, I am using Tryton 2.4.0 and now tried to upgrade it to 4.0. 
> > 
> >     But now it's not possible to load my module, I created a tryton.cfg 
> >     file and edited __init.py__ on the folder's module. I don't know 
> >     exactly what I need to upgrade it and get the module work properly. 
> Can not give any guidance without the source code, so maybe you can 
> upload it somewhere so we can review it. 
> PS: Please don't top-post on this mailing list, see 
> http://groups.tryton.org/netiquette 
> -- 
> Sergi Almacellas Abellana 
> www.koolpi.com 
> Twitter: @pokoli_srk 

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