El 26/05/16 a les 17:55, Pedro Moretto Rodriguez ha escrit:

Hi, I uploaded it to https://github.com/guzmanico23/cefiro

I changed the names of the clases but the logic is the same:

1) At formulario.py: within Formulario class I have the One2One field
2) At formVivTrabajo.py: I have two classes "FormularioViviendaTrabajo"
and "AuxFormVivTrabajo" (similar to Formviviendatrabajo and

The views involved are hc.xml and hcVivTrab.xml

I also post here the error message when trying to opening a new
"Formulario" (now it can be saved but not properly shown)

Module is still on an unsupported version, so I can not give any tips if iy is not migrated to a supported version.



El jueves, 26 de mayo de 2016, 8:22:12 (UTC-3), Sergi Almacellas
Abellana escribió:

    El 26/05/16 a les 12:52, Pedro Moretto Rodriguez ha escrit:
     > I mean, I have the module almost finished, I just need to make this
     > one2one relation to work. I am trying to run it on a newer tryton
     > version without success.
     > El miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016, 16:30:05 (UTC-3), Pedro Moretto
     > Rodriguez escribió:
     >     Well, I am using Tryton 2.4.0 and now tried to upgrade it to
     >     But now it's not possible to load my module, I created a
     >     file and edited __init.py__ on the folder's module. I don't know
     >     exactly what I need to upgrade it and get the module work
    Can not give any guidance without the source code, so maybe you can
    upload it somewhere so we can review it.

    PS: Please don't top-post on this mailing list, see

    Sergi Almacellas Abellana
    www.koolpi.com <http://www.koolpi.com>
    Twitter: @pokoli_srk

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Sergi Almacellas Abellana
Twitter: @pokoli_srk

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