El 17/10/16 a les 05:05, zmers.m...@gmail.com ha escrit:
Your ir.report record must have pdf extension selected. Then tryton will
use unoconv [1] to convert from odt to pdf. You should configure the
parameters used on your config file. See:


This will work for both tryton client (gtk and sao) as the process is
done on server side.

In the config.py has this code default self.set('report', 'unoconv',
'pipe,name=trytond;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext') this is the code in
the link configuration.html is this right setup?

That's the default value, you can specify on trytond.conf file another settings if you want.

Then I have also set the extension to Portable Document Format, I done
this through Administration > User Interface > Action > Report. is this
what you are referring to [Your ir.report record must have pdf extension
Yes, that's right.

Everything should work now, isn't it?

Sergi Almacellas Abellana
Twitter: @pokoli_srk

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