Ever wanted to print out a nice looking envelope complete with barcode?  Well there's 
a nice perl script to do just that.

Benjamin Story
Windows 95: n. a 32 bit patch to a 16 bit hack to an 8 bit operating system,
        originally coded for a 4 bit microprocessor, by a 2 bit company
        that can't stand 1 bit of competition.
Windows 98: n. see Windows 95
Windows ME: n. see Windows 95
Windows 2000: n. an attempt by a 2 bit company to put forth a stable version
                 of a 32 bit patch to a 16 bit hack to an 8 bit operating
                 system, originally coded for a 4 bit microporcessor.

-- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar --

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Envelope 
# Version 1.0.0 
# Gregory Spath, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# http://freefall.homeip.net

# Revision History
#              1.0.0 -   Final planned release.  A couple fixes, barcode
#                        placement changed to bottom right of envelope.
#              0.62  -   Hack to add Delivery Point to barcode, $fromfile
#                        config option, see changelog for other changes
#              0.60  -   POSTNET A & C field support
#              0.53  -   Added [optionfile] section
#              0.52  -   Added shipping label option
#              0.51  -   Added per envelope options
#              0.50  -   Initial Release

$filenum = 0;
# $files = $#ARGV + 1;

# Load default envelope config

# Check if they want to enter a to/from address interactively
if (grep( /^-i$/, @ARGV )) {
        unshift(@ARGV, interactive());

# Ok, now we are ready to make the envelopes
foreach $file (@ARGV){
        open (ADDRESS, "$file") or die "Could not open $file.\n";

        @mailto = ();
        @mailfrom = ();
        @options = ();
        $state = 'to';
        $optionfile = "";
        $dpc = "";

        while (<ADDRESS>){
                if ($_ eq '[options]') { $state = 'options'; next;}
                if ($_ eq '[to]') { $state = 'to'; next;}
                if ($_ eq '[from]') { $state = 'from'; $fromfile=""; next; }
                if ($_ eq '[optionfile]') { $state = 'optionfile'; next; }
                if ($_ =~ /^\[dp (\d{2})\]$/){ $state = 'dpc'; $dpc = $1; next; }
                next if ($_ eq "");  #ignore blank lines

                SWITCH: {
                        if ($state eq 'optionfile') {$optionfile = $_; $state = ''; 
last SWITCH;}
                        if ($state eq 'options') { push @options, $_; last SWITCH;}
                        if ($state eq 'to') { push @mailto, $_; last SWITCH;}
                        if ($state eq 'from') { push @mailfrom, $_; last SWITCH;}

        close ADDRESS;

# Load options from file if specified
        if ($optionfile){
                open (OPTIONFILE, "<$optionfile") or die "Cannot open specified option 
file: $optionfile\n";
                while ($option  = <OPTIONFILE>){
                        chomp $option;
                        eval $option;
                close (OPTIONFILE);

# Load return address from file if specified
        if ($fromfile){
                open (FROMFILE, "<$fromfile") or die "Cannot open specified return 
address file: $fromfile\n";
                while ($line = <FROMFILE>){
                        chomp $line;
                        push @mailfrom, $line;
        close (FROMFILE);

# Set per envelope options
        foreach $option (@options){
                eval $option;

# Got all the data...now start printing
        print "%!\n";
        print "% Greg's envelope printer\n";

        print "newpath\n";

        if ($shiplabel){
                $i = int($x0 + $leftmargin * 72);
                $j = int($y0 - $topmargin * 72); 
        } else {
                $i = int($x0 + $topmargin * 72);
                $j = int($y0 + $leftmargin * 72);

# Set our coordinate system
        print "$i $j translate\n";

        print "90 rotate\n" unless ($shiplabel);

# Print the Return Address
        $linepos = 0;
        foreach $line (@mailfrom){
                if ($whichline == 1 && $line !~ /^<(\S+)\s+(\d+)>$/){
                        print "/$return1font findfont $return1pointsize scalefont 
                        $pointsize = $return1pointsize;
                if ($whichline == 2 && $line !~ /^<(\S+)\s+(\d+)>$/){
                        print "/$returnxfont findfont $returnxpointsize scalefont 
                        $pointsize = $returnxpointsize;
                if ($line =~ /^\s*<(\S+)\s+(\d+)>$/){
                        $font = $1;
                        $pointsize = $2;
                        print "/$font findfont $pointsize scalefont setfont\n";
                print "0 $linepos moveto\n";
                print "($line) show\n";
                $linepos = $linepos - $pointsize;

        if ($shiplabel){
                $xpos = 0;
                $ypos = $linepos - $pointsize * 2;
        } else {
                $xpos = int(0.40*72*$ewidth);
                $ypos = int(-0.40*72*$eheight);

# Print the Mailing Address
        foreach $line (@mailto){
                if ($whichline == 1 && $line !~ /^<(\S+)\s+(\d+)>$/){
                        print "/$line1font findfont $line1pointsize scalefont 
                        $pointsize = $line1pointsize;
                if ($whichline == 2 && $line !~ /^<(\S+)\s+(\d+)>$/){
                        print "/$linexfont findfont $linexpointsize scalefont 
                        $pointsize = $linexpointsize;
                if ($line =~ /^<(\S+)\s+(\d+)>$/){
                        $font = $1;
                        $pointsize = $2;
                        print "/$font findfont $pointsize scalefont     setfont\n";
                print "$xpos $ypos moveto\n";
                print "($line) show\n";
                $ypos = $ypos - $pointsize;
                if ($line =~ /.*(\d{5})-?(\d{4})?$/){
                        $fullzip = $1 if $1;
                        $fullzip .= $2 if $2;

# Print the barcode
        if (length $fullzip == 9){
                $fullzip .= $dpc;
        } elsif ($dpc){
                print STDERR "Delivery point codes for non ZIP+4 codes don't make 
                print STDERR "Ignoring Delivery Point code.\n";

        if ($shiplabel || $bcaddressblock){
                $ypos = $ypos - 0.125 * 72;
        } else {
                $xpos = int(($ewidth-3.875)*72);
                $ypos = int((-1.0 * $eheight + 0.375)*72);

        barcode($fullzip, $xpos, $ypos) if ($fullzip && $barcode);
        print "showpage\n";

#       if ($prompt && $filenum != $files){
#               print STDERR "Done with $filenum / $files\n";
#               print STDERR "Bang a key to print the next Envelope when ready";
#               $hitme = <STDIN>;
#               print STDERR "\n";
#       } else {
#               print "** Done **\n" if ($filenum == $files);
#       }

# Reset the values from the rc file, in case we have switched them for this
# envelope


sub calc {
        if ($shiplabel){
                $x0 = 0.25 * 72;
                $y0 = ($normalpaper) * 72;
        } else {
                $x0 = 0;                                                               
 #envelope X origin   
                $y0 = ($normalpaper - $ewidth) * 72;    #envelope Y origin 

        ($line1font, $line1pointsize) = split(" ", $line1);
        ($linexfont, $linexpointsize) = split(" ", $linex);

        ($return1font, $return1pointsize) = split(" ", $return1);
        ($returnxfont, $returnxpointsize) = split(" ", $returnx);

sub readuntildot {
        my @input = ();
        while ( 1 ) {
                my $typing = <STDIN>;
                last if ($typing =~ /^\.$/);
                push( @input, $typing );


# Ask user for to and from address - use STDERR for asking questions so
# output from entire program still can be piped or re-directed.
sub interactive {
        my $tmpfile = $ENV{'HOME'} . "/tmpaddr.txt";

        print STDERR "ENVELOPE - Interactive To/From address input mode.\n\n",
                "Enter the addresses line by line. To end an address, type a\n",
                "single period ('.') followed by a RETURN(Enter).\n\n";
        print STDERR "Enter the TO address:\n";
        my @toaddr = readuntildot();
        print STDERR "\nEnter the FROM address:\n";
        my @fromaddr = readuntildot();
        open( TMPFILE, ">$tmpfile" ) or
                die "Cannot open $tmpfile for write.";
        print TMPFILE "[to]\n", @toaddr, "\n", "[from]\n", @fromaddr;
        close( TMPFILE ) or die "Trouble closing temporary file.";

sub defaults {
                $line1 = "Times-Roman-Bold 12";
                $linex = "Times-Roman 12";

                $return1 = "Times-Roman-Bold 10";
                $returnx = "Times-Roman 10";

                $ewidth = 9.5;
                $eheight = 4.125;
                $normalpaper = 11;
                $leftmargin = 0.25;
                $topmargin = 0.30;

                $barcode = 1;
                $bcaddressblock = 0;

                $rcfile = "$ENV{HOME}/.enveloperc";
                $shiplabel = 0;
                $fromfile = "";

                $noconfig = 0;

                # $hitme = "";
                # $prompt = 1;

                # load rc file

                $rc = open(CONFIG, "<$rcfile");
                if (!$rc){
                        $noconfig = 1;
                        print STDERR "Could not open $rcfile, using default envelope 
                } else {
                        while ($command = <CONFIG>){
                                chomp $command;
                                $command =~ tr/"/'/;                    # accidental 
re-assign protection
                                eval $command;
                        close (CONFIG);

sub barcode{
        my @code = (
                [1, 1, 0, 0, 0],        # 0
                [0, 0, 0, 1, 1],        # 1
                [0, 0, 1, 0, 1],        # 2
                [0, 0, 1, 1, 0],        # 3
                [0, 1, 0, 0, 1],        # 4
                [0, 1, 0, 1, 0],        # 5
                [0, 1, 1, 0, 0],        # 6
                [1, 0, 0, 0, 1],        # 7
                [1, 0, 0, 1, 0],        # 8
                [1, 0, 1, 0, 0],        # 9

        my $zipcode = shift;
        my $xpos = shift;
        my $ypos = shift;
        my @ziparray = ();

        my $zipsum = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i<length($zipcode); $i++){
                $ziparray[$i] = substr($zipcode, $i, 1);
                $zipsum += $ziparray[$i];

        my $correctcode = 10 - $zipsum % 10;
        $correctcode = 0 if $correctcode == 10;
        push @ziparray, $correctcode;

# Set our barcode dimensions to the POSTNET spec.
# Width = 0.02"
# Space between CL's (pitch) = 0.05"
# Height of 1's = 0.125"
# Height of 0's = 0.05"
        my $pitch = 3.6; #points
        my $linewidth = 1.44; #points
        my $height = 0;

        my $pos = 0;
        print "newpath\n";
        print "$xpos $ypos translate\n";
        print "$pos 0 moveto\n";
        print "$linewidth setlinewidth\n";

# Frame bar
        $height = 0.125 * 72;
        print "0 $height rlineto\n";    

# Actual barcode
        foreach $number (@ziparray){
                for ($i = 0; $i <= 4; $i++){
                        $pos += $pitch;
                        print "$pos 0 moveto\n";
                        $line = $code[$number][$i];
                        $height = (0.05 + $line * 0.075) * 72;
                        print "0 $height rlineto\n";

# Frame bar
        $pos += $pitch;
        print "$pos 0 moveto\n";
        $height = 0.125 * 72;
        print "0 $height rlineto\n";    

        print "stroke\n";

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