On 2018-08-17 14:13, Tom Herbert wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 1:31 PM, Joe Touch <to...@strayalpha.com> wrote: 
>> If you KNOW that the app keepalive will cause the TCP transmission, sure -
>> but how do you KNOW that? You don't and can't. Even if you write to the TCP
>> socket, all you know when the socket returns is that the data was copied to
>> the kernel. You don't know for sure that you've triggered a TCP packet.
> Actually, you do know that information. Application keepalives are
> request/response messages sent in TCP data. When a response is
> received to keepalive request over the TCP connection that is proof
> that the keepalive was sent.

Yes, but the keepalive itself is a guarantee of nothing. It is the
keepalive ACK that matters. 

> If the application keepalive was sent on
> the socket, and no response is received before the application timer
> expires, then the application declares the the connection dead and
> most likely will just close the socket and try to reconnect. The fact
> that an application keepalive request, or its response, might be stuck
> in a TCP send buffer (e.g. peer rcv window is zero) versus the peer
> host completely disappeared is irrelevant. To the application it's all
> the same, a connection to a peer application has failed and action
> needs to be taken.

In that case it never mattered whether TCP had a keepalive or whether
the app action interacted with that TCP keepalive. 

What mattered was that the app-app communication was maintained. 

Again, this reiterates my point - run keepalives at the layer that
matter to you. Ignore how they affect other layers; they will (and
should) take care of themselves. 


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