On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 10:31 PM, Mark Ramm <mark.mchristen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> And as of now, I'd consider TG2 at a full feature freeze except for the
> potential internationalization changes in #1999.   Any exceptions to this
> need to be explicitly approved by me, or Florent.
Ok I got an acceptable patch for this. it *still* uses turbojson BUT
it removes the buffet layer. it has only one problem which is one of
the tickets you closed, there is no way for the templating engine to
understand this unless we make the code more complex.
http://trac.turbogears.org/ticket/2194#comment:10, therefore that
feature can't be used in json rendering.


The current patch is 100% backwards compatible but allows people to
uninstall TurboJson and use raw simplejson. The code change is minimal
so I think it can go in.

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