
If we're supposed to be in a feature-freeze, that's for people to be confident 
that from now on things aren't going to change, unless a critical bug has to 
be fixed, so that they can start building software and writing about TG2 with 
the guarantee that their product isn't going to expire some days later.

I love to see TG2 evolve, but that this has been applied in the feature-frozen 
branch I'm using to write a short series of articles using TG2 and that it 
already out dates the first article (which was delivered)... It really bothers 

If I can't trust that we were serious when we announced that feature freeze, 
then I'll switch over to a truly stable framework for my next article.

On the other hand, independent of the article I wrote, I think we must comply 
with the feature freeze strictly, specially in non-trivial changes like this 
(splitting a function into three ones, defined in newly-created modules each).

The more complex a change is, the more chances to introduce a bug. And at this 
point we shouldn't take the risk of introducing bugs, but just fix the 
remaining ones.

Finally, I think this change has to be moved to the upcoming 2.1 branch 
(trunk, when there's a 2.0 branch). I love the idea, I think think it's 
reasonable, but I think it's too late to go in v2.0. Otherwise, this will be 
bad for PRs.



On Tuesday March 17, 2009 19:05:50 Mark Ramm wrote:
> Works for me.   We can try to shoehorn this into rc1 if we can get it
> done in the next day or so -- otherwise it'll be a 2.1 feature.
> I want it done now, but making that happen will require updating
> several docs :/   So, I'm a bit hesitant to about just going for it
> directly.
> --Mark Ramm
> On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 1:53 PM, Florent Aide <florent.a...@gmail.com> 
> > On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 4:56 PM, percious <ch...@percious.com> wrote:
> >> I have begun work on our new extensions methodology.  (Some call this
> >> component architecture).  I am working with Jorge and Jon to try and
> >
> > [...]
> >
> >> websetup/
> >>   __init__.py : contains setup_app which will be a combination of
> >> bootstrap and schema setup
> >
> > nice this will definitely make things easier.
> >
> > Florent.

Gustavo Narea <xri://=Gustavo>.
| Tech blog: =Gustavo/(+blog)/tech  ~  About me: =Gustavo/about |

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