I feel that the mako support is just as good as genshi, in terms of
the framework code.  I primarily use mako for it's concise syntax and
speed.  I have built master/index for mako and would be happy to
publish them, but I have received a bit of pushback from the TG2 team
whilst recommending adding them to the quickstart template (no one
wants to be responsible for their maintenance, although I volunteered
for the job).  The mako version of quickstart is 400% faster for the
index page, and it speeds up the Admin pages by about 50%.


On May 14, 4:07 pm, cd34 <mcd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Mako and Cheetah seem to have rudimentary support, but, aren't well
> supported.
> Genshi seems to be very well supported, but, quite a bit of the
> development points to jinja2.
> Is jinja2 going to be the primary engine? or should I stick with
> genshi?  Jinja2 has some nice features that I would like to use, but,
> I would prefer to use whatever the primary engine is that TurboGears
> is going to stick with.
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