> I just released first the release candidate for TurboGears 1.1. The list
> of changes is at
> http://trac.turbogears.org/wiki/ChangeLog
> This list only includes changes which are unqiue to TG >= 1.1. There are
> also a lot of changes, which also went into the 1.0 branch, so they are
> documented in the changelog there. We will do a 1.0.x maintenance
> release shortly after TG 1.1 final is out.
> TG 1.1rc1 is already available on PyPI and http://turbogears.org. It can
> be installed with the tgsetup-beta.py script:
>     wget http://www.turbogears.org/download/tgsetup-betaversion.py
>     python tgsetup-betaversion.py
> Or simply with:
>     easy_install [-f http://turbogears.org/download] TurboGears
> I'm too tired to write a proper announcement now. If somebody wants to
> help with spreading the message, here's a list of places to post
> announcements too:
>     * TurboGears mailing list
>     * comp.lang.python.announce
>     * http://docs.turbogears.org/News/Ticker
>     * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TurboGears
>     * Freshmeat (must be a project admin)
>     * Your blog(s)
>     * Foreign language OSS community sites and mailing lists
>       o heise.de (ask TurboGears sysadmin (me) for password)
>       o pro-linux.de
>       o de.comp.lang.python
>       o ...
> Otherwise I'll write a more detailed announcement tomorrow, and also a
> bit about the schedule for the upcoming final and 1.0.x releases.
> Please try out this release as soon as you can and report any problems
> you encounter or your success stories. We would especially like to hear
> about your experience porting TG 1.0 applications to TG 1.1!
> So long, yours now-off-to-get-a-cold-beer-ly Chris

Hi Chris, I've just updated a tg1.1b3 application to tg1.1rc1 and it
all went smooth, no problem at all.


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