Thanks Alessandro, I'll try that.

Best regards,
Jean-Denis Girard

SysNux                   Systèmes   Linux   en   Polynésie  française   Tél: +689 / GSM: +689 87.797.527

Le 30/10/2019 à 02:10, Alessandro Molina a écrit :
> Support for ToscaWidgets1 is no longer builtin into 2.4
> It was deprecated for years and 2.4 mostly removed all deprecated feature.
> That doesn't meant you can't use TW1 in 2.4, it just means you will have
> to write your own configuration component to do so.
> You can probably mostly take example from the ToscaWidgets2
> configuration component
> ( 
>  )
> mix it with the old code that did add TW1 in previous TG versions
> ( 
>  )
> and make your own TW1 component.
> Once you have your component ready, it's just a matter or registering it
> in the `app_cfg` with `base_config.register(YourComponent)`. 
> That's how all TG2 components
> work: 

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