+1 for including DAS related topics on the IRC Chats.

- Luciano

"ant elder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

07/05/2006 06:47 AM

Please respond to

Email versus IRC

There's a thread going on over on incubator-general about the use of IRC:

Are people happy with having our current weekly hour long IRC chat? I find
the chat a useful way to find whats going on and gauge peoples opinions. A 1
hour chat isn't so long that its hard to read the chat log, we could
probably do better at providing a summary of what was said, and maybe post
the log and summary on the wiki so its easier to find. So I think the
current chat is useful and works ok but we can change this if others don't
like it.

Currently the chat focus has been primarily Java SCA, should we try and
include C++ or SDO or DAS more? Or have separate extra chats for those?
Often the chat is one long rambling conversation, should we try to be more
structured and have a set 10 minutes for this, 10 minutes for that type of
thing to just get a regular status and have any followup discussion on the
mailing list?

Is the 15:30GMT on Monday time slot ok?

What do you think?


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