Hi Ant,

This is a great idea and Luciano and I have had some initial related discussion:

Since the DAS API for stored procedures is the same as that for SQL, I wonder if we could build a general solution to integrate DAS into SCA that would also support SPs as you mention?


ant elder wrote:

I was reviewing the DAS user guide and reading the section about using DAS
with stored procedures:
http://wiki.apache.org/ws/WorkingWithStoredProcedures#preview, and wondered
wouldn't it be useful to have an SCA component implemented by a stored
procedure? How about implementing a container for this (not for M2 of
course). Using the DAS stored procedure capabilities would make implementing this quite easy, and it would help get a bit more interaction going between
the SCA and DAS  people.

Any one interested in having a look at this?


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